You are not a custom of :facebook: (or any other social media) you are the produced they sell to advertisers. Inherent to this model is negativity bias, people engage more with negative content that positive, so pushing for better content moderation is never going to work in a company that has a profit motive, or as #JohannHari points out in this video, its like a bandage for a bullet wound.
What I like most here, and if you are on the :fediverse: you will probably agree, the solution is simple:
Ban the business model. End surveillance capitalism. This model based on tracking people to discover weaknesses in their attention, then selling their attention to the highest bidder.
So if social media sites wish to continue they have to switch to a subscription model. Or better still I like the other solution here, which is bring them into public ownership. Yes Comrades! :marx: #SocialMedia #DoubleDownNews #SurveillenceCapitalism
How Social Media DESTROYS Our Minds
#JohannHari #socialmedia #doubledownnews #surveillencecapitalism
More than 50 percent of "Americans have breached the drug laws. Where a law is that widely broken, you can’t possibly enforce it against every lawbreaker. The legal system would collapse under the weight of it. So you go after the people who are least able to resist, to argue back, to appeal—the poorest and most disliked groups. In the United States, they are black and Hispanic people, with a smattering of poor whites."
"It is a natural human instinct to turn our fears into symbols, and destroy the symbols, in the hope that it will destroy the fear. It is a logic that keeps recurring throughout human history, from the Crusades to the witch hunts to the present day."
"It isn’t the drug that causes the harmful behavior—it’s the environment. An isolated rat will almost always become a junkie. A rat with a good life almost never will, no matter how many drugs you make available to him. As Bruce put it: he was realizing that addiction isn’t a disease. Addiction is an adaptation. It’s not you—it’s the cage you live in."
#DDN #DoubleDownNews
The One #Film Mark #Zuckerberg Does Not Want You to See | #JohannHari
“Your attention has been stolen by some big and powerful forces”Watch Full 68min Interview ► Hari’s New Book is ...
#ddn #doubledownnews #film #zuckerberg #JohannHari
#JohannHari and #StephenFry on
#StolenFocus | 5x15
Why have we lost our ability to #focus? What are the causes? And, most importantly, how do we get it back?Join 5x15 to hear about Johann Hari's journey to the...
#JohannHari #stephenfry #StolenFocus #focus
#JohannHari on How #Neoliberalism Drives #Depression and #Anxiety in the U.S. - The United States is one of the most depressed countries in the world. Could it be because of the country’s adoption of neoliberal...
#democracynow #JohannHari #neoliberalism #depression #anxiety
The one factor causing #depression and #anxiety in the #workplace |
#JohannHari | #BigThink
The one factor causing depression and anxiety in the workplace New videos DAILY: https://bigth.inkJoin Big Think Edge for exclusive video lessons from top th...
#BigThink #depression #anxiety #workplace #JohannHari #health #hierarchySUCKS #coops
#Lonelinesskills: How to fight #depression with #socialsupport | #JohannHari | #BigThink
Loneliness kills: How to fight depression with social support Watch the newest video from Big Think: Big Think Edge for exclus...
#BigThink #Lonelinesskills #depression #socialsupport #JohannHari
#book #JohannHari
#StolenFocus : Why You Can't Pay Attention - and How to Think Deeply Again
Our ability to pay attention is collapsing. From the New York Times bestselling author of Chasing the Scream and Lost Connections comes a groundbreaking examination of why this is happening—and how to get our attention back.
#book #JohannHari #StolenFocus