“Since the nation’s founding, politicians of all stripes have demeaned and denounced their rivals as unpatriotic and a peril to the people’s livelihoods and personal safety. And yet in the early 1960s the Birchers injected politics with a level of rancor toward liberal opponents that further coarsened the atmosphere in the public square and set the stage for more.”
Matthew Dallek
#Birchers #MatthewDallek #extremism #rightwing #johnBirchSociety
#JohnBirchSociety #rightwing #extremism #matthewdallek #birchers
GOP POTUS CANDIDATES: What happens if we start using bullhorns instead of dog whistles?
RNC: Let’s fuck around and find out.
#Republicans #GOP #RNC #RaceBaiting #JohnBirchSociety #SouthernStrategy #TeaParty #MAGA #DogWhistles #BullHorns #WhiteNationalism #ChristianNationalism #VoterSuppression #VoterIntimidation #RacialGerrymandering #Trumpism #ElectionTampering
#electiontampering #trumpism #racialgerrymandering #voterIntimidation #votersuppression #ChristianNationalism #whitenationalism #bullhorns #dogwhistles #MAGA #teaparty #SouthernStrategy #JohnBirchSociety #racebaiting #RNC #gop #republicans
#ADL RAN AN 'EXTENSIVE, MULTI-DIMENSIONAL COUNTERINTELLIGENCE OPERATION' TO DESTROY THE #JOHNBIRCHSOCIETY https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/84722/adl-ran-an-extensive-multidimensional-counterintelligence-operation-to-destroy-the-john-birch.html
In #NationalReview, #WilliamFBuckley described building the modern US #political #conservatism that would later elect #Reagan. First step, he said was to #DrainTheSwamp, his words, for the purpose of excluding the #JohnBirchSociety, the #KuKluxKlan, etc—so folks could call themselves #conservative w/out being considered a #wingnut. Today the ultra-#MAGA chant "Drain the Swamp" unironically, not realizing the phrase was coined for them, by folk who still have regard for them.
#nationalreview #williamfbuckley #political #conservatism #reagan #draintheswamp #JohnBirchSociety #kukluxklan #conservative #wingnut #maga
@andytiedye some of these idiots are just fools, no need for Putin. Some of this goes to the grand old days of the #JohnBirchSociety
The Republican Party: an anti-democratic, anti-American horde of hateful hoi polloi.
#RepublicanParty #GOP #MAGA #Trumpism #TeaParty #FederalistSociety #JohnBirchSociety #SouthernStrategy #WhiteNationalists #ChristianNationalists
#christiannationalists #whitenationalists #SouthernStrategy #JohnBirchSociety #federalistsociety #teaparty #trumpism #MAGA #gop #republicanparty
Paul Dragu #JohnBirchSociety - #Neocon establishment like Chris Christie continue their attacks even as John Birch Society's warnings about centralized control and #globalism are now self-evidently true. https://rumble.com/v1z8p76-interview-organize-locally-think-constitutionally.html
#globalism #Neocon #JohnBirchSociety
Great quote #NYRB article on #JohnBirchSociety, #Trump #Republicans: "The persistence of this evidence-free theorizing raises the question of whether conspiracy theories have become necessary to the Republican Party's existence. Conspiracies are, in short, a way for the party to keep feeding its populist base while more quietly pursuing economic interests (cutting taxes, opposing government regulation) that the party's powerful, well-heeled members and donors find vital."
#republicans #Trump #JohnBirchSociety #nyrb
Il grande complotto nella tradizione politica americana (e altrove) https://www.carmillaonline.com/2021/06/28/il-grande-complotto-nella-tradizione-politica-americana-e-altrove/ #LacapannadellozioTom #HarrietBeecherStowe #IlluminatidiBaviera #CharlesWrightMills #ColumbiaUniversity #RichardHofstadter #JohnBirchSociety #destraamericana #FrankChodoroy #GuerradiCorea #complottismo #GuerraFredda #Afghanistan #CapitolHill #S.F.B.Morse #Recensioni #DanielBell #JanAssmann #NormanCohn #StatiUniti #Vietnam
#vietnam #statiuniti #NormanCohn #JanAssmann #DanielBell #recensioni #s #capitolhill #afghanistan #guerrafredda #complottismo #GuerradiCorea #FrankChodoroy #destraamericana #JohnBirchSociety #RichardHofstadter #columbiauniversity #CharlesWrightMills #IlluminatidiBaviera #HarrietBeecherStowe #LacapannadellozioTom