> He who knows when he has got enough is rich
#JohnCHWu trans. #LaoTzu #LaoTzu33
> 知足者富
> 足るを知る者は富み
#老子 #老子33
Some chapters among my go-to on-line English translation aren't as obviously about enoughness for this thread.
> He who knows he has enough is rich.
#JaneEnglish and #GiaFuFeng
> A person who knows contentment has true wealth.
Later I'll see Ursula LeGuin's work that avoids the gendered pronouns.
#GiaFuFeng #JaneEnglish #青樹謙慈 #老子33 #老子 #LaoTzu33 #laotzu #JohnCHWu
In the video Ayano-san talks of a #諺 Kotowaza proverb: #足るを知る (TaruWoSHiru): knowing what is enough. I've seen on-line memes about #enoughness too, probably associated with Buddhism. Probably a universal idea and around long before writing, it may have first made it into documentation with #老子 #LaoTzu.
> There is no calamity like not knowing what is enough
#JohnCHWu trans #LaoTzu46
#知足 #老子46
> 故知足之足。常足矣。
> 故に足るを知るの足るは、常に足る。
#青樹謙慈 #老子46 #知足 #LaoTzu46 #JohnCHWu #laotzu #老子 #enoughness #足るを知る #諺