Reading about really intelligent people like #JohnConway makes one feel minuscule.
How '#ParticleLife# #Emerges from #Simplicity
"Particle Life is a very simple particle #System. The simulation shows the emergence of incredibly beautiful life-like structures from rudimentary rules."
#Emergence #Math #Maths #Mathematics #Rules #PhaseTransition #PhaseTransitions #Science #Evolution #TomMohr #GameOfLife #TheGameOfLife #JohnConway
#JohnConway #thegameoflife #gameoflife #tommohr #evolution #science #phasetransitions #phasetransition #rules #mathematics #maths #math #emergence #system #simplicity #emerges #particlelife
Nire aspaldiko proiektu bat berreskuratu dut: #NintendoDSrako automata zelularren simulatzailea.
Aurreko astean hil zen #JohnConwayri XKCD web komikiak egindako omenaldiko hasierako baldintzak gehitu dizkiot Conway-ren biziaren jokoari.
Nire bertsioan laukiek pixel bakarra dutenez ez da jatorrizkoa bezain ikusgarria, baina planeagailua ("glider") gorantz nola joaten den ikusten da
#linuxfr #JohnConway "John Conway n’avait plus assez de cases noires dans son voisinage" #JeuDeLaVie #LifeGame #Conway ...
#linuxfr #JohnConway #jeudelavie #lifegame #conway
#linuxfr #JohnConway "John Conway n’avait plus assez de cases noires dans son voisinage" #JeuDeLaVie #LifeGame #Conway ...
#conway #lifegame #jeudelavie #JohnConway #linuxfr