Resistance Chicks · @resistancechics
365 followers · 5572 posts · Server

LIVE 4/5/23 7:30 PM ET REVELATION REDPILL Wed Ep7- How British & American Created Modern End Times Theology 1800s: A new religious fervor to convert Jews to Christianity brought a new theology never taught by Church fathers: Dispensationalism. 7-year tribulation & secret Rapture separate from the of Christ. The Scofield Bible was responsible for this new theology spreading to Protestant Christians looking to events in the middle east as signs of impending doom waiting for the Messiah to come back, end the world, & rescue His people from the . Notably, they believe God has different plans of redemption for Israel and Gentiles- nothing could be further from the truth. Watch!!!👇👇👇

#antichrist #2ndComing #rapture #7YearTribulation #PlymouthBrethren #JohnDarby #ScofieldReferenceBible #zionism

Last updated 2 years ago

Resistance Chicks · @resistancechics
363 followers · 5495 posts · Server

LIVE 3/22/23 7:30 PM ET Wednesday EP 5: Exposing the History Behind Modern End Times Teachings w/ Our most anticipated RRPW yet! Where did the idea for a 7-Year /#Rapture come from? What if I told you the modern theories from sources like the series have only been around for about 150 years? Who came up with a that would whisk God's people away before a worldwide ? What do & have in common? They all taught the imminent return of in their lifetimes but somehow missed it. Tonight we will expose the enemy's plot to disempower the church. Watch!!!👇👇👇

#areweinthetribulation #eschatology #kingdomnow #PostMillennial #Lastdays #jesus #DLMoody #CIScofield #JohnDarby #Apocalypse #secretrapture #LeftBehind #endtimes #tribulation #DavidSorensen #redpill #revelation

Last updated 2 years ago