#Poetry #JohnDonne
Saw #Oppenheimer last night and tried to explain the reference the titular character makes when asked to name the test site. Oppenheimer "Batter my heart, three-person'd God" and then names it Trinity.
Hadn't read this since college, rather a long time ago...
#Oppenheimer #JohnDonne #poetry
Five days until RSA in Puerto Rico, and amazingly, both my papers are written and slides prepared!
First up, "Milton in Japan: Paradise Lost in Translation" (co-authored), in the panel "New Perspectives on Milton's Poetics." https://rsa.confex.com/rsa/2023/meetingapp.cgi/Session/6417
The other is a five-minute talk, part of a roundtable on "Metaphysical Poetry: Genre, Canon, Anthology." https://rsa.confex.com/rsa/2023/meetingapp.cgi/Session/6314
#RSA2023 #Milton #ParadiseLost #MetaphysicalPoets #JohnDonne #EdmundSpenser
#rsa2023 #Milton #paradiselost #metaphysicalpoets #JohnDonne #EdmundSpenser
This was great. All you need to know about #JohnDonne. #DonneAndDusted
RT @UoLPressOffice@twitter.com
Who was the poet and priest John Donne? Dr Mary Ann Lund (@BurtonsAnatomy@twitter.com) from @UoLEnglish@twitter.com joins the guest panel on @BBCInOurTime@twitter.com giving insight into his life and work.
📻Listen again 👇
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UoLPressOffice/status/1613526480914448384
Good morning!
The poem for ereyesterday is 'Elegy V: His Picture' by John Donne.
...gli enigmi dell' amore:
il cuore se ne va, a casa rimane,
lo perdi e lo salvi tutto.
Ma noi avremo un modo più grande
dello scambio dei cuori, ed è l'unione.
Così saremo uno, e l'un per l'altro tutto.
-- tratto da Lovers' infiniteness
Songs and sonnets (1633), John Donne
📸 SJDR/In Punta di Rêve
#poetry #johndonne #love #writer #writing
#english #literature #MastoArt #fediverse #sunset #sea #lovers #nature
#nature #lovers #sea #sunset #fediverse #MastoArt #literature #english #writing #writer #love #JohnDonne #poetry
I know there are a lot of academics on here. Feel free to steal this #JohnDonne quote for your syllabi. #academicintegrity #plagarism
#plagarism #academicintegrity #JohnDonne
For obvious reasons, I have to toot the #WelshWritingInEnglish horn.
#MikeParker (does non-fiction count?)
My other, non-Welsh faves are
#JohnDonne #angelacarter #MikeParker #ThomasRichards #HildaVaughan #AllenRaine #WelshWritingInEnglish
I am a scholar of #EarlyModern #English #literature, especially the #poetry of #JohnDonne and #EdmundSpenser. I teach anything from Old English to the present, most recently a course on #LordByron. My interests include #satire and #humour, #Renaissance and modern #art, #allegory, and #anime. Native speaker of #Russian; proficient but rusty in #Italian, #French, #Latin, and #Japanese.
I am a #letterpress printer, amateur #photographer, and #naturalist. I am passionate about the #environment and #conservation and enjoy #hiking, #birding, #running, #canoetripping and #backcountry #camping, and #rockclimbing.
#rockclimbing #camping #backcountry #canoetripping #running #birding #hiking #conservation #environment #naturalist #photographer #letterpress #japanese #latin #french #italian #russian #anime #allegory #art #renaissance #humour #satire #lordbyron #EdmundSpenser #JohnDonne #poetry #literature #English #earlymodern #introduction
The poem for today is "The Good Morrow" by John Donne.
Again a love poem or something. There are so much of them from the sixteenth century...