⚖️⚖️⚖️ Special Counsel #JohnDurham in just the first three federal trials of his appointment has evidenced a #RICO road map to the #CrimeOfTheCentury.
The devil is in the details —the trial transcripts.¹ And the road leads directly to The Enterprise of #HillaryClinton and coconspirators
committing a pattern of racketeering activity.
There will be a reckoning. The guilty will be held accountable.
¹/ https://rumble.com/c/BadlandsMedia
V 🌴 Chr Ⓜ️
www FedCURE.org ✝️⚖️🇺🇲
#JohnDurham #rico #CrimeOfTheCentury #HillaryClinton #CriminalJusticeReform
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All the EO's Trump had in place, including the VERY IMP'T one RE: election interference that Biden, have oddly reupped twice since he's been in office.
And that's impt for the same reason that #JohnDurham's investigation continues onward (Biden similarly extended JD's budget in Oct).
In short, the Dems would move heaven and earth to save their asses, yet they're somehow forced to allow it to continue to allow their own takedown
My radio gal Tara has a good point when you look at when #JohnDurham does his latest filing about the Clinton campaign paid people to break into Trump's servers, his doctors, his company, his home, his white house.
Why Friday? (Traditional document dump day)
Why Super Bowl wkend?
Why Valentines Day wkend?
Lots of ways for the media to duck that story.
It looks like Durham (a dem) is trying to provide cover. Anyone have a different POV?