#JohnEastman #ClarenceThomas #scotus John Eastman gives Clarence Thomas a cursed endorsement
Donald Trump’s former lawyer, who is charged with trying to overthrow the 2020 presidential election, signed a letter vouching for Thomas’ integrity. https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/john-eastman-clarence-thomas-letter-integrity-rcna102552
#JohnEastman #clarencethomas #scotus
John Eastman. LOL.
#JohnEastman #DisbarJohnEastman #GOPSedition #Georgia #ClaremontInstitute #GOP
#gop #claremontinstitute #Georgia #GOPSedition #disbarjohneastman #JohnEastman
Take his fucking passport!
#JohnEastman #GOPTraitors #ClaremontInstitute
Eastman agrees to $100K bond in Georgia election case https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4162818-eastman-agrees-to-100k-bond-in-georgia-election-case/
#claremontinstitute #goptraitors #JohnEastman
Every witness testifying to Trump's crimes? @GOP
All pardoned -GOP
These #GOPTraitors asked for pardons
"Only GUILTY people ask for pardons"
#gopunindictedcoconspirators #JohnEastman #goptraitors
More #Bedtime reading:
Quick look: The 19 defendants charged in the Trump indictment in Georgia. (Politico)
#Thug #Thuglife #TrumpIndictment #Indictment4 #GOP #Republicans #Democracy #politics #Fascism #criminal #RudyGiuliani #MarkMeadows #JohnEastman #JennaEllis #FalseElectors #elections
#elections #falseelectors #JennaEllis #JohnEastman #markmeadows #rudygiuliani #criminal #fascism #politics #democracy #republicans #gop #indictment4 #trumpindictment #thuglife #thug #bedtime
#JohnEastman needs to die in prison.
It was a coup: John Eastman expected the military to intervene in 2020 https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/8/11/2186492/-Coup-plotting-former-Trump-lawyer-should-probably-stop-talking
What if @GOPChairwoman is co-conspirator #6?
She testified that Trump “directed her” to call #JohnEastman & have RNC coordinate the #FakeElectors scheme with him
Any questions?
#trumpforprison2024 #indictallgoptraitors #fakeelectors #JohnEastman
After the helpful reminder about the OH 🗳️, most of this informative newsletter by #RobertHubbel is devoted to developments yesterday w/the J6 case in DC & the FL classified docs case, as well as a bit on #JohnEastman (ironically wanting his hearing to revoke his license to practice law postponed b/c he anticipates being indicted 🤡):
#AileenCannon #judgechutkan #JohnEastman
#JohnEastman #judgechutkan #aileencannon #roberthubbel
John Eastman, awaiting potential indictment, asks judge to postpone his disbarment proceedings - POLITICO
>Attorney John Eastman, an architect of Donald Trump’s last-ditch efforts to subvert the 2020 election, is asking a #California judge to postpone disbarment proceedings lodged against him, saying he’s increasingly concerned he’s about to be criminally charged by special counsel Jack Smith.
https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/07/eastman-trump-disbarment-postpone-00110131 #JohnEastman #DonaldTrumo #JackSmith #DOJ #stopthesteal
#stopthesteal #doj #jacksmith #DonaldTrumo #JohnEastman #California
#jeffreyclark #JohnEastman #sidneypowell #rudygiuliani #trumpindictment #trumplies
The Trump Jan. 6 Indictment, Annotated https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/08/01/us/politics/trump-jan-6-indictment-2020-election-annotated.html?smid=tw-share
#indictments #jan6 #donaldtrump #johneastman #rudyguiliani #sydneypowell #KennethChesebro
#KennethChesebro #SydneyPowell #rudyguiliani #JohnEastman #DonaldTrump #Jan6 #indictments
John Eastman who wrote the 12-point memo advising Trump how to overturn the election, has the temerity to preemptively write a memo to the Special Counsel explaining why he shouldn’t now be indicted. Motherfuck this guy! #FuckJohnEastman #GOPTraitors #ClairmontInstituteTerrorists #JohnEastman #TrumpConspirators
#trumpconspirators #JohnEastman #clairmontinstituteterrorists #goptraitors #fuckjohneastman
John Eastman gave Trump his plan for overturning a free and fair election. Trump was onboard; #MikePence considered it, and did not bother to tell anyone about it. They are ALL seditionists. #JohnEastman #TrumpCoup #GOPTraitors #FederalistSociety #ClaremontInstitute #ChapmanUniversity #FAFO #GOP
#gop #FAFO #ChapmanUniversity #claremontinstitute #federalistsociety #goptraitors #trumpcoup #JohnEastman #mikepence
John Eastman lost his job, will likely be disbarred, and, he's going to prison! #JohnEastman #TrumpCoup #GOPTraitors #FederalistSociety #ClaremontInstitute #ChapmanUniversity
Trump's "coup memo" lawyer may face disbarment — but that's the least of John Eastman's problems https://www.salon.com/2023/06/24/coup-memo-lawyer-may-face-disbarment--but-thats-the-least-of-john-eastmans-problems/
#ChapmanUniversity #claremontinstitute #federalistsociety #goptraitors #trumpcoup #JohnEastman
Ding, dong! The “independent state legislature” theory is dead. Now do #JohnEastman.
Supreme Court Rejects Theory That Would Have Transformed American Elections https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/27/us/politics/supreme-court-state-legislature-elections.html
#JohnEastman devised a fringe legal #theory to try to keep #Trump in power. Now he’s on the verge of being #disbarred.
#JohnEastman #theory #trump #disbarred
He devised a fringe legal #theory to try to keep #Trump in power. Now he’s on the verge of being #disbarred.
The trial of #JohnEastman may feature testimony from key participants in #Jan6 who have rarely spoken publicly.
#theory #trump #disbarred #JohnEastman #jan6