Reading novels by #JohnGrisham, #MichaelCrichton or #NoahGordon.
#EveryBodyWasDoingThisInThe90s #HashtagGames
#JohnGrisham #michaelcrichton #noahgordon #everybodywasdoingthisinthe90s #HashtagGames
The Boys from Biloxi by John Grisham, Kane and Abel ish story of two generations of men on opposite side of law, thier battle to outdo each other. Typical Grisham, typical brilliance. #bookstodon #JohnGrisham #books
#books #JohnGrisham #bookstodon
I saw a toot on my feed about 7 favorite authors. Here's my list:
#bookstodon #AlfredHitchcock #agathachristie #sidneysheldon #JohnGrisham #JamesPatterson #stephenking