Character creation is incredibly simple & consists of choosing various descriptive characteristics that define the character. For example choose an epithet such as Swift Footed, choosing a lineage and domain etc... Each of these choices will impact on the dice that can be rolled later in challenges.
#rpgs #ttrpg #JohnHarper #agon #games #gaming
Character creation is incredibly simple & consists of choosing various descriptive characteristics that define the character. For example choose an epithet such as Swift Footed, choosing a lineage and domain etc... Each of these choices will impact on the dice that can be rolled later in challenges.
#rpgs #ttrpg #JohnHarper #agon #games #gaming
So I've just started reading through Agon - John Harper's Greek Hero rpg. I thought I'd give a few first impressions.
What's very clear from the start is that this game is designed to do one specific thing very well. It's set up to allow for a short game based around visiting one island & meeting one challenge. In this way, it's creating an island hopping ttrpg narritive that echoes Homer's Odyssey or Apollonius's Argonautica.
#rpgs #ttrpg #JohnHarper #agon #games #gaming
Fine, I'll get in on it! #Bookstodon
My favorites are:
My favorite Genres are:
What do I usually end up reading:
Favorite Designer:
#bookstodon #JimButcher #christophermoore #SergeiLukyanenko #markzdanielewski #PeterClines #seananmcguire #douglasadams #edgarallanpoe #urbanfantasy #horror #comedy #pulp #dresdenfiles #roleplayinggames #JohnHarper