· @EndemicEarthling
244 followers · 396 posts · Server todon.eu

@CrimethInc There were over 200,000 on the streets in in March 2003, and many hundreds of thousands more in other major cities and towns around the continent. It remains the single largest day of coordinated protest in Australian history.

Achieved diddy-squat in diverting the course of Australia's home-grown war criminal PM , who unquestioningly threw in his lot with and .

#sydney #JohnHoward #GeorgeWBush #TonyBlair #auspol #AustralianHistory

Last updated 2 years ago

· @EndemicEarthling
191 followers · 241 posts · Server todon.eu

In any case, considering 1-5, and thinking of the Australian context specifically, I cannot think of a single individual more responsible for shifting Australians away from Christianity than the late Cardinal , whose funeral was held today on land at St Mary’s Cathedral, attended by , and , amongst others.

I hope Christian people of faith consider this when reflecting upon Pell’s life. Those who love the church and want to see it thrive ought to be very wary of celebrating his work and embracing his legacy.

#georgepell #gadigal #JohnHoward #tonyabbott #peterdutton

Last updated 2 years ago

Indeed, step one needs to start with stopping the and operations that set countries back decades, and prevent them having more , and socially and environmentally progressive policies.

Almost all is based on , instigated by US policy. Look back no further than abuse by , and their underling , but many examples exist.

@kaip @koherecoWatchdog @NatCor @rs1linuxtools

#coups #regimechange #equitable #immigrationAbuse #PushFactors #post911 #BushCrimeFamily #tonyblair #JohnHoward #warcrimes

Last updated 3 years ago

Scott Morrison started his concession speech tonight by noticing an ex-PM warCriminal, who worked with the to severely impair .

We switched off the speech immediately and turned the music up.

This is, after all, a party.

No warCriminals allowed.

#BushCrimeFamily #australia #rockDj #auspol #scomo #goodRiddence #JoshFrydenberg #iraq #JohnHoward

Last updated 3 years ago

When an PM does something like this its usually a for .

In 2005 our then PM, and warCriminal enabler, allowed refugees to reportedly drown to look tough on while he was actually tripling .

He admitted this cynical (and murderous) appeal to voters in 2014 on .

@jmc464@freeatlantis.com @Momma_Voke@freeatlantis.com

#australian #smokescreen #openBorders #JohnHoward #borders #immigration #RadioNational #optics #electioneering #immigrationAbuse #auspol #scomo

Last updated 3 years ago

How in the world can we allow the to even depict in any kind of positive light.

We live on a desert island lacking large hills and mountains that could store water etc. and yet, he bribed people to procreate. It was called a , he also abused refugees (cynically, admitted 2014 on ) and increased to such extreme levels that it had the effect of draining our (see ).

He'd be bet on an .

#corporatemedia #JohnHoward #babyBonus #RadioNational #immigration #productiveCapacity #holesAndHouses #ImprisonList

Last updated 3 years ago

@seankearney@mastodon.social @glitchymatrix

The rejection of the thuggish autocrat and abusive PM , could be felt in your core. Howard would divert attention from important things by pointing at on , and people to . An awful man. We elected who was visibly preparing to turn things around.

Amidst a , Kevin was great on , reducing our electricity use by 30% by starting an . (5/9)

#JohnHoward #refugees #boats #bribing #procreate #KevinRudd #gfc #environment #InsulationScheme

Last updated 3 years ago

The problems re planning have been decades in the making, under the imprisonable 1996-2007 PM they really accelerated.

Most people who watched closely, attribute 's 2000 , the and and of that PM, to 's gentrification and abuses - the effects of which are felt today.

#sydney #olympics #warcrimes #immigration #refugeeAbuse #australia #overdevelopment #colonialism #iraq #afghanistan #imperialism #JohnHoward #bloodingCult #lithium #opium #gentrification

Last updated 4 years ago

We forgot to add that land has historically been a very accurate measure of wealth. Even amid COVID days you'll see that the landholder is somewhat protected in some ways.

Yes, in Australia we had a minor party called the Democrats, they fought against to secure protection against GST on and essentials.

Unfortunately people turned against the Democrats for even engaging with Howard. He was awful.


It was a good initiative by the little Dems.

#JohnHoward #freshFood

Last updated 4 years ago

Four of many reasons why was a great PM:

: The loved to hate the due to a few bad actors, but it was a massive success and reduced our by 30%. The still cry out for one.

: Despite publicly supporting a , presided over a big decline in (boosted stealthily by ).

during the - not .

: He tried.

#KevinRudd #australian #InsulationScheme #corporatemedia #pinkBatsScheme #electricityConsumption #usa #LowerImmigration #BigAustralia #rudd #immigration #JohnHoward #MoneyToPeople #gfc #banks #MiningTax

Last updated 5 years ago