Remember Canada's fight against Venezuela's dictator? We lost
#JohnIvison also claims that the US government is more interested in increasing oil supply from #Venezuela than from Canada.
#nationalpost #uspol #canpol #venezuela #JohnIvison
The benefit of the doubt deserts Justin Trudeau
#nationalpost #canpol #JohnIvison #justintrudeau
"I found myself in violent agreement with many of Morneau’s points — “It’s baffling to me that the government moved forward with new commitments on dental care while the pharmacare challenge remains unresolved” — right up to the point when I recalled that he was not a cog in the machine, he was operating it."
#nationalpost #canpol #BillMorneau #JohnIvison
According to #JohnIvison , #PierrPoilievre makes accusations he knows aren't really true to attack his opponents, e.g., accusing the feds of practising MMT.
But actually he's an intelligent guy with some good policies, Mr. Ivison dixit.
#nationalpost #conservatives #cpc #canpol #PierrPoilievre #JohnIvison
#PierrePoilièvre "has been a polarizing figure ever since. One former staffer famously described him as having “anti-charisma.” But he is energetic, quick on his feet and understands it’s not what you say, it’s how you make them feel."
#JohnIvison goes on to explain how Mr. Poilièvre could win a general election.
Charest's path to the Conservative leadership is rocky, narrow and hostile
#nationalpost #conservatives #cpc #jeancharest #canpol #JohnIvison #PierrePoilièvre