/Keep banging the Door/
#PIL #JohnLydon #SexPistols #myfucking80s #igotmusicinmyhead
#pil #JohnLydon #sexpistols #myfucking80s #igotmusicinmyhead
Fat pig priest
Sanctimonious smiles
He takes the money
You take the lies
This is religion and Jesus Christ
This is religion cheaply priced
This is bibles full of libel
This is sin in eternal hymn
This is what they've done
This is YOUR religion!
The apostles were eleven
Now there's a sod in Heaven
***Αφιερωμένο στα παπαδαριά
#PIL #JohnLydon #SexPistols #myfucking80s #igotmusicinmyhead
#pil #JohnLydon #sexpistols #myfucking80s #igotmusicinmyhead
/ I am John and I was born in the London. I am no vulture, this is my culture/
Οι Sex Pistols διαλύθηκαν, το πανκ τελείωσε.
To 1983 οι Public Image Limited (PIL) του John Lydon, ex Johnny Rotten, δίνουν μια συναυλία στο Τόκιο, κυκλοφορεί σε διπλό βινύλιο, αποθεώνεται. Στο Λονδίνο βρετανοί "πατριώτες" του έσπασαν τα μούτρα για το Religion και την βασίλισσά τους...
#PIL #JohnLydon
#jukeboxfridaynight #fiftyyearsofhiphop #timezone #afrikabambaataa #johnlydon #hiphop
This track always seems timeless.
Time Zone - World Destruction (1984)
#hiphop #JohnLydon #afrikabambaataa #timezone #fiftyyearsofhiphop #jukeboxfridaynight
Great video from a great band with some excellent cameos on the video, including #mickjones old Clash band mates #joestrummer and #paulsimonon
Watch "Big Audio Dynamite - Medicine Show" on YouTube https://youtu.be/BD2kWCfTcaU
>Music video by Big Audio Dynamite performing Medicine Show. (C) 1985 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT
#paulsimonon #joestrummer #mickjones #delorean #nenahcherry #JohnLydon #theclash #bigaudiodynamite #jukeboxfriday
New on Two Minutes Fifty-Nine: A presidential rematch. Joe was wrong when he said don’t vote. John Lydon’s bizarre political devolution. And Bobcat Goldthwait’s favorite albums. https://twominutesfiftynine.com/2023/04/28/episode-16-get-out-the-vote/ #TheClash #TheOnlyBandThatMatters #JoeStrummer #JohnnyRotten #JohnLydon
#JohnLydon #johnnyrotten #joestrummer #theonlybandthatmatters #theclash
RIP #NoraForster and tender thoughts to #JohnLydon. https://www.johnlydon.com/rest-in-peace-nora-forster
This obituary of Nora Forster is absolutely amazing. Described as a "German heiress" born in 1942, ends up marrying Johnny Lydon (Rotten), 14 years her junior, in the 70s. And then they stayed married. Oh, and she also happens to be the mother of Ari Up, lead singer of The Slits. F*cking amazing stuff.
#punk #obit #obits #obituary #music #sexpistols #theslits #slits #ariup #nyt #nytimes #johnnyrotten #johnlydon #pil #publicimageltd #marriage #love #noraforster
#noraforster #love #marriage #PublicImageLtd #pil #JohnLydon #johnnyrotten #nytimes #nyt #ariup #slits #theslits #sexpistols #Music #obituary #obits #obit #Punk
John Lydon holding a copy of The Dead Kennedys’ 1979 debut single “California Über Alles”
Photo by Michael Jang
#punk #punks #punkrock #johnlydon #johnnyrotten #deadkennedys #history #punkrockhistory
#punk #punks #PunkRock #JohnLydon #johnnyrotten #deadkennedys #history #punkrockhistory
Jah Wobble's bass tone has been described as, "impossibly deep," and I'd certainly have to agree. RIP Keith Levene.
#PIL #JahWobble #KeithLevene #PopTones #OGWT #PublicImage #JohnLydon #PostPunk
#postpunk #JohnLydon #publicimage #ogwt #poptones #keithlevene #jahwobble #pil
Listening to P.I.L.
Public Image.
#pil #JohnLydon #PublicImage #PublicImageLtd
Seventies punk rock icon John Lydon, better known to Sex Pistols fans as Johnny Rotten, lost out in his effort to represent Ireland at this year's Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool.
His song, "Hawaii," about his wife's struggles with Alzheimer's disease, did not make the cut. Instead Ireland's Eurovision spot went to the rock band Wild Youth and their song "We Are One" during the televised competition.
#sexpistols #JohnLydon #Eurovision #Ireland
Johnny Rotten scheitert bei irischem Eurovision Song Contest Vorentscheid
John Lydon, 67 today, was born 31 January 1956. #JohnLydon #JohnnyRotten #publicimageltd #pil #SexPistols #OnThisDayInMusic
#onthisdayinmusic #sexpistols #pil #PublicImageLtd #johnnyrotten #JohnLydon
Johnny Rotten’s Eurovision entry could kill punk once and for all.
‘Hawaii’ has received terrible reviews, but the Sex Pistols frontman believes it's the ideal song to represent Ireland at a festival that symbolises the polar opposite of who he once was.
It's hard to conceive of an event less punk than Eurovision. But it would not be Lydon’s only recent flirtation with proudly schlocky entertainment.
#Eurovision #UK #Ireland #Punk #SexPistols #JohnnyRotten #JohnLydon
#JohnLydon #johnnyrotten #sexpistols #Punk #Ireland #UK #Eurovision
Dass ich mich doch noch mal für einen #ESC interessiere... 😅
John Lydon’s Public Image Ltd compete to represent Ireland at Eurovision https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/jan/09/john-lydons-public-image-ltd-compete-to-represent-ireland-at-eurovision
Former Sex Pistols’ frontman, who was born in London to Irish parents, has entered the song Hawaii, a love letter to his wife who has Alzheimer’s disease.
#publicimageltd #ireland #eurovision #JohnLydon
John Lydon at home with Christmas decorations 1979. (Photo by Janette Beckman) #JohnLydon #JanetteBeckman #MerryChristmas #PublicImageLtd #PIL #DeathDisco #Advent
#Advent #deathdisco #pil #PublicImageLtd #merrychristmas #janettebeckman #JohnLydon
On this day, December 8th, in 1978: Public Image Limited and Virgin Records released “First Issue.”
Today’s soundtrack: I still think “Public Image” is a pretty remarkable song.
Today’s credit: The sleeve credits state: “Public Image LTD would like to thank absolutely no body, thank you.”
Today’s screening: ”Public Image” by Don Letts and Peter Clifton - http://tinyurl.com/cztow9v
#otd #JohnLydon #pil #publicimagelimited