Ok, so we've been asked for an update on the saga:
- After 5 hours of persistent phonecalls our librarian walked out
- The band manager has left for a job as cultural editor for the
- Trevor has been persuaded to return as 2nd trom and his Aunt Doreen will take over as librarian

This leaves one vacancy to fill...

Grimethorpe Colliery Band are pleased to announce the appointment of as our new band manager.

all you newbies/friends/followers! 🎺🎢

#JohnMastotrom #dailystar #johnmastadon #welcome

Last updated 2 years ago

What?! Are you kidding us, now is supposed to be joining on baritone too?! No no no, we're not having that.

To clarify the position -
- We have no trombone/baritone vacancies.
- Neither John or Joan are joining. They're just 'helping out'.
- Joan did not sing Wuthering Heights at the Grimethorpe club karaoke.
- will absolutely pay his bar tab by Monday.

Please stop calling.


#joanmastodon #johnmastodon #JohnMastotrom #johnmastodont #otherthingsjohnmastodondid #OtherThingsJohnMastodonDidNotDo

Last updated 2 years ago

Disaster averted, has agreed to fill in for Trevor until he's spent some time in his potting shed and calmed down.

Trevor doesn't know we were thinking of sacking him for John, but we decided we couldn't really pot him after 17 years service. He's the only one willing to hoover the bandroom every Tuesday.

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#johnmastadon #JohnMastotrom #johnmastodont #twittermigration #newMember #twitter #welcome #introduction #music #trombone #otherthingsjohnmastodondid #OtherThingsJohnMastodonDidNotDo

Last updated 2 years ago

Look, whoever rang up the with this fake story *please stop*.

Our poor band manager has been fielding calls from the tabloids for 3 hours now and the librarian is on the verge of a breakdown - the telephone normally only rings once a week!

John Mastodon is not joining on 2nd trombone. End of.

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#DailyMail #johnmastodon #JohnMastotrom #johnmastodont #twittermigration #newMember #twitter #welcome #introduction #music #trombone #otherthingsjohnmastodondid #OtherThingsJohnMastodonDidNotDo

Last updated 2 years ago


Last updated 2 years ago