I just finished watching Conservative347 Republic4nPower's new video where he explains what he disagrees with Donald Trump on, and why John Matze was fired from Parler. If you like his video, I would encourage you to subscribe to his channel and check out his other videos.
#ugetube #bitcoin #JohnMatze #donaldtrump #conservative347
Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video where I expose Andrew Torba's revisionist history when he claims that former Parler CEO John Matze is a free speech guy. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my JoshWho TV channel, and help spread the word.
#andrewtorba #johnmatze #revisionisthistory #exposed #joshwhotv
#joshwhotv #exposed #RevisionistHistory #JohnMatze #andrewtorba
Here is the BitChute version of my new video where I expose Andrew Torba's revisionist history when he claims that former Parler CEO John Matze is a free speech guy. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and help spread the word.
#andrewtorba #johnmatze #revisionisthistory #exposed #alttech
#alttech #exposed #RevisionistHistory #JohnMatze #andrewtorba
Here is my new video where I discuss John Matze's recent revelation that he is pro-censorship and ant-Trump, and how Parler banned Milo Yianappoulos over offensive jokes he made. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help spread the word.
#miloyiannopoulos #exposed #Censorship #parler #JohnMatze
Here is my new video where I respond to Parler firing CEO John Matze, and owner Dan Bongino claiming that Matze is not for freedom of speech. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel, and help spread the word!
#alttech #freespeech #DanBongino #JohnMatze #parler
📬Parler: soziales Netzwerk erlitt Schlappe vor Gericht📬 https://tarnkappe.info/parler-soziales-netzwerk-erlitt-schlappe-vor-gericht/ #AmazonWebServices #Rechtssachen #BarbaraRoths #JohnMatze #Parler
#parler #JohnMatze #BarbaraRoths #Rechtssachen #amazonwebservices
📬Parler: Ist soziales Netzwerk nach Abschaltungen bald Geschichte?📬 https://tarnkappe.info/parler-ist-soziales-netzwerk-nach-abschaltungen-bald-geschichte/ #RebekahMercerinHenderson #AmazonWebServices #JaredThomson #JohnMatze #Internet #Parler
#RebekahMercerinHenderson #amazonwebservices #JaredThomson #JohnMatze #internet #parler