“I do know this—the big and mysterious America is bigger than I thought. And more mysterious.”
Travels with Charley in Search of America
John Steinbeck
#steinbeck #johnsteinbeck #travelswithCharley #bookstodon
#bookstodon #travelswithcharley #JohnSteinbeck #Steinbeck
“Then I crossed the great arch hung from filaments and I was in the city I knew so well.
It remained the City I remembered, so confident of its greatness that it can afford to be kind. It had been kind to me in the days of my poverty and it did not resent my temporary solvency...”
Travels with Charley in Search of America
John Steinbeck #sanFrancisco #steinbeck #bookstodon #travelswithCharley #johnSteinbeck
#JohnSteinbeck #travelswithcharley #bookstodon #Steinbeck #sanfrancisco
“I am happy to report that in the war between reality and romance, reality is not the stronger.”
Travels with Charley in Search of America
John Steinbeck
#steinbeck #travelswithcharley #bookstodon #johnsteinbeck
#JohnSteinbeck #bookstodon #travelswithcharley #Steinbeck
“I hadn’t been thinking very well of myself for some years, but if my sins had this dimension there was some pride left. I wasn’t a naughty child but a first rate sinner, and I was going to catch it.”
Travels with Charley in Search of America
John Steinbeck
#steinbeck #johnsteinbeck #travelsWithCharley #bookstodon
#bookstodon #travelswithcharley #JohnSteinbeck #Steinbeck
“This you may say of man—when theories change and crash, when schools, philosophies, when narrow dark alleys of thought, national, religious, economic, grow and disintegrate, man reaches, stumbles forward, painfully, mistakenly sometimes. Having stepped forward, he may slip back, but only half a step, never the full step back. This you may say and know it and know it”
The Grapes of Wrath
John Steinbeck
#bookstodon #johnsteinbeck #grapesofwrath
#grapesofwrath #JohnSteinbeck #bookstodon
#genteallegra Nel 1942 il cineasta #victorfleming regista di pellicole memorabili come #Viacolvento o “#ilmagodioz dirige l’adattamento cinematografico del romanzo di #JohnSteinbeck #piandellatortilla pubblicato per la prima volta sette anni prima. La sceneggiatura è firmata da #johnleemahin e #benjaminglazer due storici autori di #hollywood mentre il cast… #spencertracy #johngarfield #hedylamarr …http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=18754 #cinema #mastocinema #film #mastofilm #cinemastodon
#genteallegra #victorfleming #Viacolvento #ilmagodioz #JohnSteinbeck #piandellatortilla #johnleemahin #benjaminglazer #hollywood #spencertracy #johngarfield #hedylamarr #cinema #mastocinema #film #mastofilm #cinemastodon
Nel 1935 #johnsteinbeck pubblica #tortillaflat”che in breve tempo riscuote un grande successo e lo impone sulla scena letteraria planetaria. Lo scrittore narra le vicende di Danny, Pilon, Pablo, Joe e il Pirata, paisanos che vivono a #piandellatortilla il quartiere povero collinare della cittadina di #monterey, in #california. E’ la zona dove vivono gli ultimi discendenti dei veri californiani, quelli che... http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=18526 #mastolibro #libro #mastolibri #leggere #lettura #libri #book
#JohnSteinbeck #tortillaflat #piandellatortilla #monterey #california #mastolibro #libro #mastolibri #leggere #lettura #libri #book
Today in Labor History April 14, 1935: The Black Sunday dust storm swept across the Oklahoma and Texas panhandles. This was one of the worst storms of the Dust Bowl. 4 years later, on this same date, John Steinbeck published his classic novel, The Grapes of Wrath, about Dust Bowl refugees in California.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #DustBowl #GreatDepression #JohnSteinbeck #GrapesOfWrath #refugees #poverty #fiction @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #dustbowl #GreatDepression #JohnSteinbeck #GrapesOfWrath #refugees #poverty #fiction
Hi, all.
I'm having flashbacks from one of John Steinbeck's trash-on-dead-trees wastebin-worthy prattle. It hurts. That ass really hated animals and loved violence.
#Datreveno #JohnSteinbeck #Literaturo
Je ĉi dato en 1902 naskiĝis John Steinbeck, verkisto, kies romanoj, speciale lia "La Vinberoj de Kolero", gajnis al li premion Nobel pro la simpatia traktado de la malfacilaĵoj de la ordinara homo dum la depresio en la 1930-oj. https://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Steinbeck
Bildo: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:John_Steinbeck_1939_(cropped).jpg
#datreveno #JohnSteinbeck #literaturo
Just finished this biography of John Steinbeck : "Mad at the World. A Life of John Steinbeck" by William Souder -- really interesting -- a messy, driven life..not uncomplicated-- impressive biography.. very readable. .. recommended #bookstodon #johnsteinbeck #williamsouder
#williamsouder #JohnSteinbeck #bookstodon
“East of Eden, the book John Steinbeck was meant to write, was published on September 19, 1952.”
Mad at the World: A Life of John Steinbeck
William Souder
#johnsteinbeck #bookstodon #madattheworld
#madattheworld #bookstodon #JohnSteinbeck
This great story of #Steinbeck’s tour of #Russia — #Shevchenko #Ukraine in 1947; with the famous war photographer Robert Capa and a twice widowed elderly woman’s rejoinder to Capa’s spontaneous proposal of marriage:
“If God had consulted the cucumber before he made man, there would be less unhappy women in the world.”
Mad at the World: A Life of John Steinbeck
William Souder
#johnsteinbeck #bookstodon #robertcapa #madattheworld
#madattheworld #RobertCapa #bookstodon #JohnSteinbeck #Ukraine #shevchenko #Russia #Steinbeck
“It has always seemed strange to me,” said Doc. “The things we admire in men, kindness and generosity, openness, honesty, understanding and feeling are the concomitants of failure in our system. And those traits we detest, sharpness, greed, acquisitiveness, meanness, egotism and self-interest are the traits of success. And while men admire the quality of the first they love the produce of the second.”
Cannery Row
John Steinbeck
#bookstodon #steinbeck #canneryrow #johnsteinbeck #privilege
#privilege #JohnSteinbeck #CanneryRow #Steinbeck #bookstodon
#σημερα είναι ημέρα ενοποίησης των ρουμανικών πριγκιπάτων στη #romania και εθνική ημέρα κοριτσιών στην #india.
#σανσημερα το 1859 η Βλαχία και η Μολδαβία ενώνονται σε προσωπική σύνδεση με τον πρίγκιπα #AlexandruIoanCuza.
Το 1908 οργανώνεται στην #england το πρώτο τμήμα προσκόπων.
Το 1935 η μπύρα πωλείται πρώτη φορά σε κουτάκι.
To 1940 κάνει πρεμιέρα η ταινία #thegrapesofwrath του #JohnSteinbeck.
#JohnSteinbeck #thegrapesofwrath #england #alexandruioancuza #σανσημερα #India #romania #σημερα #καλημερα
Souder references this passage from chapter 28 of The Grapes of Wrath:
“Git so I hate to think. Go diggin’ back to a ol’ time to keep from thinkin’. Seems like our life’s over an’ done.’’
#steinbeck #thegrapesofwrath #bookstodon #williamsouder #johnsteinbeck
#JohnSteinbeck #williamsouder #bookstodon #thegrapesofwrath #Steinbeck
“The unique nature of California agriculture requires that these migrants exist [..] Thus, in California we find a curious attitude toward a group that makes our agriculture successful. The migrants are needed, and they are hated.”
John Steinbeck writing in ‘The Harvest Gypsies’, for The San Francisco News, October 5, 1936
#immigration #steinbeck #johnsteinbeck #pastisprologue #thingschangeyetremainthesame
#thingschangeyetremainthesame #pastisprologue #JohnSteinbeck #Steinbeck #immigration
“Slim looked through George and beyond him. ‘Ain’t many guys travel around together’, he mused. ‘I don’t know why. Maybe ever’body in the whole damn world is scared of each other.’
‘It’s a lot nicer to go around with a guy you know,’ said George.”
Of Mice and Men
John Steinbeck & Susan Shillinglaw
#ofmiceandmen #steinbeck #johnsteinbeck
#JohnSteinbeck #Steinbeck #ofmiceandmen