Still the same thrill when cracks a hash, even after all these years! 🎉


Last updated 2 years ago

ricardo :mastodon: · @governa
898 followers · 5458 posts · Server
Yashwant Singh 🐧 · @earthtoyash
7 followers · 79 posts · Server
Yashwant Singh 🐧 · @earthtoyash
6 followers · 76 posts · Server

I just published an article on "Password Cracking —Understanding basics and tools used." Read it exclusively on @medium

#cybersecurity #infosec #password_cracking #JohnTheRipper #hashcat

Last updated 2 years ago

@piebob @epixoip

The Export>Import is not bad, the big job is changing out all those passwords because right now all those passwords are in the hands of the crime syndicate and their heirs, successors and assigns.

Likely seeking the high value targets but maybe just running type crackers - premium versions - looking for whatever breaks first. Next would be either a ransomware outbreak/pandemic, or, perhaps worse, a long term bore-from-within.

Think about it - they might by now already have penetrated & planted malware on accounts before the targets changed out their passwords. As one expert (which I am not) suggests, just retire all those old accounts. Probably not a bad idea.

#hashcat #JohnTheRipper

Last updated 2 years ago

Mat DJ 🐕🐕 · @shibashecurity
83 followers · 178 posts · Server

Quite proud though.

We've been using NCSC's at 20+ chars for all the AD passwords across the domain for a while now.

has been at it most of the afternoon, and only two passwords have fallen, and one of them was greengreengreenyellowgreen.

Fair play, users, fair play.

#threerandomwords #JohnTheRipper

Last updated 2 years ago

c0nsid3rate 🌱 · @c0nsid3rate
248 followers · 474 posts · Server

Ringing in Black Friday by landing a domain controller in my OSCP lab. Pivoted through three machines to get here, but I've arrived! I'd like to thank my friends: mimikatz (an outdated version), autorecon, an unpatched web app with default creds, crackmapexec, certutil, reg save, john, kerberoasting, OneNote, vscode. The list of tools goes on and on. :---)

#oscp #mimikatz #autorecon #crackmapexec #JohnTheRipper #Kerberoasting #pentesting

Last updated 2 years ago

Jok · @jokfp
25 followers · 22 posts · Server

Looks like time for an ...

I'm a senior who have designed and/or implemented vulnerability scanners, WAF, IDS/IPS, Web Secure Gateway, single-sign-on reverse proxies for several security companies. I have more recently worked on product security for large project, and eventually turned into a depressed . For a few years I've worked on DNS steering optimization for the of large scale networks.

As a work hobby, I love re-exploring old or abandoned algorithms for modern security challenges, especially in the domain of large data processing, and often in the world of password cracking (I'm a user since 1997 and had my first autograph signed by SolarDiz in 2001 😅).

As real hobbies, I'm a terrible but regular long distance runner, I 3d print and laser cut some shit I design and I bike on a Brompton.

#introduction #softwaredeveloper #opensource #ciso #cdn #JohnTheRipper

Last updated 2 years ago