I just watched O Brother, Where Art Thou? (Joel Coen / Ethan Coen, 2000) and rated it 7/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O_Brother%2C_Where_Art_Thou%3F?wprov=sfla1 #films #cinema #cinemastodon #OBrotherWhereArtThou #CoenBrothers #GeorgeClooney #JohnTurturro #TimBlakeNelson
#timblakenelson #JohnTurturro #georgeclooney #coenbrothers #obrotherwhereartthou #cinemastodon #cinema #films
Un film e più al giorno 553.
The Batman (2022) di Matt Reeves.
#unfilmalgiorno #thebatman #batman #mattreeves #robertpattinson #paildano #colinfarrell #johnturturro #gothamcity #lenigmista #theriddler #pinguino #penguin #catwoman #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmcommunity #filmphoto
#unfilmalgiorno #thebatman #batman #mattreeves #robertpattinson #paildano #COLINFARRELL #JohnTurturro #gothamcity #lenigmista #TheRiddler #pinguino #penguin #catwoman #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmcommunity #filmphoto
It's one of my favs (some call me dude, always someone pissing on my rug), but...
Why does one team have 3 players and the other 2?
RT @MichaelWarbur17@twitter.com
“Yeah but he’s a pervert dude.”
#JeffBridges #SteveBuscemi #JohnGoodman #JohnTurturro
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MichaelWarbur17/status/1599423991239782401
#JohnTurturro #johngoodman #stevebuscemi #jeffbridges
What's this day of rest shit?!
#pixelart #retrogaming #nespallette #nes #retrographics #gameboy #gameboycolor #lebowski #biglebowski #johnturturro #jesusquintana #8yearoldsdude #pixel #pixelartist #gamedev
#gamedev #pixelartist #pixel #8yearoldsdude #JesusQuintana #JohnTurturro #biglebowski #lebowski #gameboycolor #gameboy #retrographics #nes #nespallette #RetroGaming #PixelArt
Adam Scott & Patricia Arquette Join 'Severance' Director Ben Stiller at Emmys 2022 #13Settembre #2022EmmyAwards #AdamScott #BenStiller #BrittLower #EllaStiller #EmmyAwards #JohnTurturro #NaomiScott #PatriciaArquette #Severance #TramellTillman #ZachCherry https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuanVzdGphcmVkLmNvbS8yMDIyLzA5LzEyL2FkYW0tc2NvdHQtcGF0cmljaWEtYXJxdWV0dGUtam9pbi1zZXZlcmFuY2UtZGlyZWN0b3ItYmVuLXN0aWxsZXItYXQtZW1teXMtMjAyMi8=.html
#ZachCherry #TramellTillman #severance #PatriciaArquette #NaomiScott #JohnTurturro #emmyawards #EllaStiller #BrittLower #BenStiller #AdamScott #2022EmmyAwards #13settembre
Consiglio TV seriale non richiesto:
#Severance, serie TV su Apple+, geniale ed innovativa come poche, con una sigla iniziale che diventerà il vostro prossimo tormentone.
Nel cast il fantastico #JohnTurturro, la magnetica #PatriciaArquette, e come protagonista il purtroppo poco conosciuto #AdamScott. In un ruolo secondario, quasi a sorpresa, #ChristopherWalken
voto personale: 9/10
#christopherwalken #AdamScott #PatriciaArquette #JohnTurturro #severance
#film #movies #JohnnyDepp #JohnTurturro #SecretWindow
I watched a decent, if a bit uneven, movie adaptation of a Stephen King story called Secret Window on Amazon Prime. The movie is worth watching for the outstanding performances given by Johnny Depp and John Turturro.
#SecretWindow #JohnTurturro #johnnydepp #Movies #Film