One of the fascinating books, "John von Neumann: Selected Letters", gives us a glimpse of the thinking von Neumann has about mathematics, physics, computer science, pure and applied sciences, science management, education, consulting, politics, and war. Readers of diverse backgrounds will find much interest in this first-hand look at one of the towering figures of twentieth-century science who integrated pure and applied sciences. #JohnVonNeumann #vonNeumann #Neumann #Polymath #SelectedLetters
#selectedletters #polymath #Neumann #vonneumann #JohnVonNeumann
"The Man From the Future might also have pointed out that in many important aspects of his thoughts and desires, Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe is not von Neumann’s axiomatized man, and neither are we."
#JohnVonNeumann #economics #economicbehavior #gametheory
📻 WDR Zeitzeichen: John von Neumann #WDR #Zeitzeichen #JohnVonNeumann
#wdr #zeitzeichen #JohnVonNeumann
3Blue1Brown on Wordle, probability, information theory, and expected value.
Or: Shannon, von Neumann, and Pascal walk into a word game...
Whether or not you've been sucked into this word game fad, this is a really good explanation of the relationships between probability and expected information value (I = -log2(p)), as well as how to optimally find one element within a known search space.
It explains the logic behind selecting starting words for Wordle, as well as how and why optimisers choose their own guesses, and what an optimal solver's ultimate limits would be.
HN discuussion:
#Wordle #3Blue1Brown #Video #InformationTheory #Probability #ClaudeShannon #JohnVonNeumann #BlaisePascal #ExpectedValue
#Wordle #3blue1brown #video #informationtheory #probability #ClaudeShannon #JohnVonNeumann #blaisepascal #ExpectedValue