Gestern gesehen. Ich bin normalerweise nicht der Kinogänger, wenn dann nur #starwars oder gerne auch #JohnWick
Aber #Oppenheimer musste ich nach dem Trailer sehen und habe es nicht bereut. In meinen Augen ein starker Film, der mich trotz der Länge nicht eine Minute gelangweilt hat.
Von mir eine klare Empfehlung.
#starwars #JohnWick #oppenheimer
SDCC showcases intense footage from 'John Wick' prequel spin-off series 'The Continental' #SDCC #JohnWick #TheContinental #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #thecontinental #JohnWick #SDCC
Any animators / illustrators / media-makers who dig #DragonBallZ, and want to try and bring a #climate crossover script to life? Either way, check it out — you might enjoy the read!
#script #video #media #action #fanfic #ClimateEmergency #Goku #Vegeta #EVs #transit #JohnWick #IronMan #speculativefiction #fanfic #climatefiction #anime #cartoon #animation #illustration #art #agitprop #graphicnovel #comics #comicart #comicbook #LandBack #extraction #mining #lithium #FF #fossilfuels #BigOil #directaction #disruption #fuckcars #carfree #solidarity #agroecology #foodsovereignty #sovereignty #freiza #bikes #morethanhuman #covid #masks #masking #refugee #migrants #mutualaid #orcas #climatedefiance #guerillagardening #ecosocialism #degrowth #postgrowth #Piccolo #kingkai #trunks
#dragonballz #climate #script #Video #media #action #fanfic #climateemergency #goku #vegeta #evs #transit #JohnWick #ironman #speculativefiction #ClimateFiction #anime #cartoon #animation #illustration #Art #agitprop #graphicNovel #comics #comicart #comicbook #landback #extraction #mining #lithium #FF #fossilfuels #bigoil #directaction #disruption #fuckcars #carfree #solidarity #agroecology #foodsovereignty #sovereignty #freiza #bikes #moreThanHuman #covid #masks #masking #refugee #migrants #MutualAid #orcas #climatedefiance #guerillagardening #ecosocialism #degrowth #PostGrowth #piccolo #kingkai #trunks
On Friday, we (re) watched #Brick, a #neonoir #thriller at a #highschool.
Yesterday followed #TheFrenchConnextion, in my opinion a #hardboiled #thriller. Both are very atmospheric, bleak and exciting. #Recommended!
When I compare such #films with today's successful rubbish like #JohnWick and/or #TheFastandFurious I feel sick. Modern #Hollywood #cinema is mostly pastorised filth to the point of brain death.
#brick #neonoir #Thriller #highschool #thefrenchconnextion #hardboiled #recommended #films #JohnWick #thefastandfurious #hollywood #cinema #noir #movies
Checked out Nobody from the library. I love John Wick, and there is a lot of that in this movie. But this is also funny and has strong family elements. I love this movie.
Bob Odenkirk really overprepared for the role. He is great.
RZA and Christopher Lloyd were icing on the cake.
Support your local library.
Good meowning! Looking for something fun to do today? Check out episode 2 of our Cat RPG actual play, now available on YouTube! 😻
#TTRPG #JohnWick #CatRPG #ActualPlay
#ttrpg #JohnWick #catrpg #actualplay
Gerüchten zufolge soll der 5. Teil etwas ruhiger werden.
I have to admit, Cat has been a great time to play! So I'm happy to announce that we have EPISODE 3 coming next Wednesday, April 26th at 2:30pm ET! 😻
#ttrpg #TTRPGCommunity #actualplay #catrpg #JohnWick
An army marches on its stomach. @SpencerGuard meets the #SoupDaddy @chefzhenya at #JohnWick's Kyiv hangout.
'With up to 80 percent of casualties among military personnel historically attributed to disease & nonbattle injuries such as diarrhea & dysentery, it is no wonder he is…
Original tweet :
#HBOMax wird zu #Max und macht einen Trailer- und Teaser-Rundumschlag, #Disney macht ähnliches mit #StarWars, #JohnWick bekommt eine Prequelserie, #Superman eine erwachsene Animationsserie und der letzte Junge auf Erden eine Anthologie. #FantastischeTrailer @filmeundserien
#hbomax #max #disney #starwars #JohnWick #superman #fantastischetrailer
What I want is a #ElSanto movie directed by #ChadStahelski and produced by #GuillermoDelToro starring, obvs, a latinamerican cast and preferably whoever is the biggest #LuchaLibre star right now
#elsanto #chadstahelski #GuillermodelToro #luchalibre #JohnWick
John Wick via Sorcerer....?
Demons are not Coins but the things one can buy with Coins: bullet-proof suits, firearms, rooms safe from other assassins.
The Wants and Needs are the same for every Demon. Need: to spill blood in the underworld.
Wants: fucking chaos.
Shit, that just might work.
When you hit 0 Humanity you become a myth - member of the High Table, the Bowery King, etc.
#ttrpg #JohnWick #indiettrpg #indierpg #sorcererrpg
Look I loved #JohnWick4 and that shot was great. Amazing. Mesmerizing even. But you acting like it's the first time it's been done... Are showing you paid no attention to #AtomicBlonde which is one of the best parts of the #JohnWick series legacy.
You must watch Atomic Blonde
#JohnWick4 #atomicblonde #JohnWick