#moviemusic And here for download is my beloved #JohnWilsonConductor and his #JohnWilsonOrchestra in his own Hooray for Hollywood overture. https://bit.ly/jwohooray
#moviemusic #JohnWilsonConductor #JohnWilsonOrchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Cole Porter, John Wilson Orchestra & John Wilson:
🎵 High society (Overture)
#nowplaying #intune #ColePorter #JohnWilsonOrchestra #JohnWilson
Here's every appearance of my beloved and desired #JohnWilsonConductor at the #RoyalAlbertHall with his eponymous #JohnWilsonOrchestra 2009-2019—which means every #RodgersandHammerstein number he butchered, but also the ones he and they played magnificently. ALL MUSIC DOWNLOADABLE. Check it out. https://bit.ly/jworchestra
#JohnWilsonConductor #RoyalAlbertHall #JohnWilsonOrchestra #RodgersandHammerstein
Here's every appearance of my beloved and desired #JohnWilsonConductor at the #RoyalAlbertHall with his eponymous #JohnWilsonOrchestra 2009-2019—which means every #RodgersandHammerstein number he butchered, but also the ones he and they played magnificently. ALL MUSIC DOWNLOADABLE. Check it out. https://bit.lyjworchestra
#JohnWilsonConductor #RoyalAlbertHall #JohnWilsonOrchestra #RodgersandHammerstein
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
George Gershwin, Jerry Gray, John Wilson Orchestra & John Wilson:
🎵 Oh Lady, Be Good
#nowplaying #intune #georgegershwin #jerrygray #JohnWilsonOrchestra #JohnWilson
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ClassicalMixtape
Angela Morley, John Wilson Orchestra & John Wilson:
🎵 A Canadian in Mayfair
#nowplaying #classicalmixtape #AngelaMorley #JohnWilsonOrchestra #JohnWilson
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Richard Rodgers, John Wilson Orchestra & John Wilson:
🎵 Oklahoma (Overture)
#nowplaying #intune #richardrodgers #JohnWilsonOrchestra #JohnWilson
THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, 1952. @britishcomposers #oldmovies #moviemusic #british #musicarrangers #VIncenteMinnelli director, starring #KirkDouglas and #LanaTurner. What do you do when you’re a passionate actress still in love with a wounding bastard who’s a screen genius? You make the damn movie. Download this Brit-born #AngelaMorley arrangement of #DavidRaksin's theme played by the #JohnWilsonOrchestra, helmed by the man I long for, #JohnWilsonConductor. https://bit.ly/jworaksin
#oldmovies #moviemusic #british #musicarrangers #VIncenteMinnelli #KirkDouglas #lanaturner #AngelaMorley #DavidRaksin #JohnWilsonOrchestra #JohnWilsonConductor
THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, 1952. @britishcomposers #oldmovies #moviemusic #british #musicarrangers #VIncenteMinnelli director, starring #KirkDouglas and #LanaTurner . What do you do when you’re a passionate actress still in love with a wounding bastard who’s a screen genius? You make the damn movie. Download this Brit-born #AngelaMorley arrangement of #DavidRaksin 's theme played by the #JohnWilsonOrchestra , helmed by the man I long for, #JohnWilsonConductor . https://bit.ly/jworaksin
#oldmovies #moviemusic #british #musicarrangers #VIncenteMinnelli #KirkDouglas #lanaturner #AngelaMorley #DavidRaksin #JohnWilsonOrchestra #JohnWilsonConductor
In celebration of my birthday Friday, here's a gift for you all: my beloved #JohnWilsonConductor with his #JohnWilsonOrchestra playing the #Geraldo arrangement of the Arlen-Mercer standard, "Hit the Road to Dreamland" https://bit.ly/dreamhit (Pictured: An evening at the Moveable #Filipino Club of #Minneapolis, 1963)
#JohnWilsonConductor #JohnWilsonOrchestra #Geraldo #filipino #minneapolis
In celebration of my birthday Friday, here's a gift for you all: my beloved #JohnWilsonConductor with his #JohnWilsonOrchestra playing the #Geraldo arrangement of the Arlen-Mercer standard, "Hit the Road to Dreamland" https://bit.ly/dreamhit (Pictured: An evening at the Moveable #Filipino Club of #Minneapolis, 1963.)
#JohnWilsonConductor #JohnWilsonOrchestra #Geraldo #filipino #minneapolis
In celebration of my birthday Friday, here's a gift for you all: my beloved #JohnWilsonConductor with his #JohnWilsonOrchestra playing the #Geraldo arrangement of the Arlen-Mercer standard, "Hit the Road to Dreamland" https://bit.ly/dreamhit
#JohnWilsonConductor #JohnWilsonOrchestra #Geraldo
BEYOND THE SEA, 2004. #musicals #moviemusic #KevinSpacey directs, acts, and sings in this biopic of American pop singer Bobby Darin. This number is HOT, fellow babies. Dick Behrke's arrangement of the #CharlesTrenet standard is infused with my beloved #JohnWIlsonConductor's and his #JohnWilsonOrchestra's familiar snap and sparkle. A 2006 Grammy nominee. Download here: https://bit.ly/jwobeyond
#musicals #moviemusic #kevinspacey #CharlesTrenet #JohnWilsonConductor #JohnWilsonOrchestra
On the 2 occasions #BBC4 repeated this #bigbandmusic concert, Burton Lane's tune from the movie Royal Wedding, "Sunday Jumps", was cut out (at 1h05m). But thanks to #Geordie #JohnWilsonConductor 's number-one #Scarborough -based fan, here's my bonny lad conducting the #JohnWilsonOrchestra in Skip Martin's arrangement. The link on the poster is for the 1h23m show on BBC4. Here's the link for the audio download: https://bit.ly/jwoxmas2010.
#bbc4 #bigbandmusic #Geordie #JohnWilsonConductor #Scarborough #JohnWilsonOrchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Angela Morley, John Wilson Orchestra & John Wilson:
🎵 Introduction and Waltz from The Slipper and the Rose
#AngelaMorley #JohnWilsonOrchestra #JohnWilson
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#nowplaying #breakfast #AngelaMorley #JohnWilsonOrchestra #JohnWilson #BBC3MusicBot
#JohnWilsonConductor ’s pop fans in Britain have nothing to worry about—all the goodness of the #JohnWilsonOrchestra (1994-2019) is now squeezed into his old/new group, the #SinfoniaofLondon . Thank Kennedy Street Productions for this 2023 Holiday Season run. Now we’ll hear the rest of the #moviemusic #showmusic #musicals John’s been transcribing all these years. Meanwhile here’s The John Wilson Orchestra’s “signature” tune, the MGM Overture: https://bit.ly/jwomgmoverture
#JohnWilsonConductor #JohnWilsonOrchestra #SinfoniaofLondon #moviemusic #showmusic #musicals
#JohnWilsonConductor ’s pop fans in Britain have nothing to worry about—all the goodness of the #JohnWilsonOrchestra (1994-2019) is now squeezed into his old/new group, the #SinfoniaofLondon . Thank Kennedy Street Productions for this 2023 Holiday Season run. Now we’ll hear the rest of the #moviemusic #showmusic #musicals John’s been transcribing all these years. Meanwhile here’s The John Wilson Orchestra’s “signature” tune, the MGM Overture composed by Johnny Green: https://bit.ly/jwomgmoverture
#JohnWilsonConductor #JohnWilsonOrchestra #SinfoniaofLondon #moviemusic #showmusic #musicals
#JohnWilsonConductor ’s pop fans in Britain have nothing to worry about—all the goodness of the #JohnWilsonOrchestra (1994-2019) is now squeezed into his old/new group, the #SinfoniaofLondon . Thank Kennedy Street Productions for this 2023 Holiday Season run. Now we’ll hear the rest of the #moviemusic #showmusic #musicals John’s been transcribing all these years.
Meanwhile here’s The John Wilson Orchestra’s “signature” tune, the MGM Overture composed by Johnny Green: https://bit.ly/jwomgmoverture
#JohnWilsonConductor #JohnWilsonOrchestra #SinfoniaofLondon #moviemusic #showmusic #musicals
#JohnWilsonConductor ’s pop fans in Britain have nothing to worry about—all the goodness of the #JohnWilsonOrchestra (1994-2019) is now squeezed into his old/new group, the #SinfoniaofLondon . Meanwhile here’s The John Wilson Orchestra’s “signature” tune, the MGM Overture composed by Johnny Green: https://bit.ly/jwomgmoverture Thank Kennedy Street Productions for this 2023 Holiday Season run. Now we’ll hear the rest of the #moviemusic John’s been transcribing all these years.
#JohnWilsonConductor #JohnWilsonOrchestra #SinfoniaofLondon #moviemusic
#JohnWilsonConductor ’s pop fans in Britain have nothing to worry about—all the goodness of the #JohnWilsonOrchestra (1994-2019) is now squeezed into his old/new group, the #SinfoniaofLondon . Thank Kennedy Street Productions for this 2023 Holiday Season run. Now we’ll hear the rest of the #moviemusic John’s been transcribing all these years. Meanwhile here’s The John Wilson Orchestra’s “signature” tune, the MGM Overture composed by Johnny Green: https://bit.ly/jwomgmoverture
#JohnWilsonConductor #JohnWilsonOrchestra #SinfoniaofLondon #moviemusic