Among the few Joindiaspora pages still up is the statistics page:
In about 11 years of service, 4,381,768 posts and comments were shared (just over 2x more posts than comments).
Or about 75 seconds worth of present-level Facebook activity.
#JoindiasporaCom #joindiaspora #scale
Godspeed Joindiaspora
... At 20:01 UTC the site started throwing 502 Bad Gateway errors. This means that the planned maintenance has begun. According to previous announcements (see below), the site will return in a “limited-service mode” at some future point, precise time not known. How long the site will remain available in this mode has also not been clear, though suggestions are that it will be at least a month. I would hope longer. ...
#Joindiaspora #JoindiasporaCom #Diaspora #DiasporaMigration #Migration #Diaspora #Help #Tips #DataArchves #Archives #Plexodus
#joindiaspora #JoindiasporaCom #diaspora #DiasporaMigration #migration #help #tips #DataArchves #archives #plexodus
An update on the future of
TL;DR: Following a maintenance window on 4 March 2022, the server will revert to a limited-service mode.
Content cannot be created or read, however members will be able to manage their accounts, and will be able to export their account data.
#diaspora #joindiaspora #JoindiasporaCom
Confirming that I've created a newe Diaspora profile on Glasswings
My old profile will be retired when shuts down 1 March 2022
#diaspora #Glasswings #JoindiasporaCom
So, like many people, my primary social network went offline for a bit today.
That's right, #JoindiasporaCom had a certificate issue resulting in one-way syncing for a bit. What did you think I meant?
The #JoindiasporaCom outage continues....
Diaspora heads-up: Seems as if isn't federating currently.
For anyone who follows me there as well as here, I'm not seeing updates, comments, notifications, or DMs.
I'd noted this a couple of hours ago here:
It had been ongoing for 4+ hours at that time.
I have contacted the podmin via email.
#diaspora #joindiaspora #JoindiasporaCom