Father of The Bride’s Adria Arjona Received A ‘Special Message’ From Kimberly Williams-Paisley – Read It Here! | Adria Arjona, Andy Garcia, Casey Thomas Brown, Chloe Fineman, Diego Boneta, Gary Alazraki, Gloria Estefan : Just Jared #AdriaArjona #AndyGarcia #GloriaEstefan #DiegoBoneta #ChloeFineman #CaseyThomasBrown #JonHuertas #OscarNunez #SofiaMilos #EdwardJamesOlmos #KimberlyWilliamsPaisley #GaryAlazraki #JJLinksAroundTheWeb #7giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuanVzdGphcmVkLmNvbS8yMDIyLzA2LzA2L2ZhdGhlci1vZi10aGUtYnJpZGVzLWFkcmlhLWFyam9uYS1yZWNlaXZlZC1hLXNwZWNpYWwtbWVzc2FnZS1mcm9tLWtpbWJlcmx5LXdpbGxpYW1zLXBhaXNsZXktcmVhZC1pdC1oZXJlLw==
#7giugno #JJLinksAroundTheWeb #GaryAlazraki #KimberlyWilliamsPaisley #EdwardJamesOlmos #SofiaMilos #OscarNunez #JonHuertas #CaseyThomasBrown #ChloeFineman #DiegoBoneta #gloriaestefan #AndyGarcia #AdriaArjona
#FFRF #FreedomFROMReligionFoundation
19 May
#FreethoughtRadio: The Flag and the Cross
Guest: Samuel L. Perry. We announce two victories in federal lawsuits this week stopping city council prayer and religious instruction in West Virginia schools. We talk about Alito’s leaked abortion decision. The popular actor
#JonHuertas tells us why he is a nontheist. In light of the tragic massacre in #Buffalo, we speak with Professor
#SamuelLPerry about his new #book (with co-author #PhilipGorski),
#WhiteChristianNationalism and the #ThreatToAmericanDemocracy.
#FFRF #freedomfromreligionfoundation #FreethoughtRadio #JonHuertas #buffalo #SamuelLPerry #book #PhilipGorski #TheFlagAndTheCross #WhiteChristianNationalism #ThreatToAmericanDemocracy