Eins muss ich noch teilen, weil es einfach sehr gut ausdrückt, was ich empfinde, wenn ich am Meer ankomme... Links Juli, rechts Ich. #2010 #meermittwoch #fun #joy #beach
#meermittwoch #fun #Joy #beach
Just a simple smile,
Flash of human warmth conveyed.
Joy outweighing gold.
#poem #haiku #senryu #happiness #friendship #kindness #Joy
The #Anarchism I believe in is about #compassion, #love, and #joy. It is about holding each other up, in all of our #vulnerabilities, in good times and bad, and committing to a #BetterWorld together. It's about living.
This is not a definition, and it's not the most precise or complete way to describe anarchism as I understand it: #AnCom #SocialEcology. And sometimes #rage, conflict, and even violence are necessary to uphold the greater good. But we can't get so lost in the fight that we forget what we're fighting for. I look to #EmmaGoldman.
I say this not to tell anyone else what to do, but to be open about myself. Because I know I haven't been living up to this. Recently, I have felt so much directionless anger, not even attached to anything in particular. I suspect this is related to a recent medication change, which I am in the process of figuring out, along with multiple major life stressors happening all at once. But I am focusing on reclaiming my #RadicalJoy. I know this doesn't mean I have to be 100% #positive all the time; that's unrealistic and toxic. But living up to a joyous, caring anarchism is generally a commitment I feel is needed from me and worth making.
For me, what I'm fighting for, nurturing for, learning for, creating for, living for, thriving for, etc. are many things including anarcho-communism, social ecology, #Intersectionality, #DisabilityJustice, #QueerLiberation, #Solarpunk, #Decolonization, #TransformativeJustice, and #Abolition. I need to remind myself more often what it means to support those things, not only to oppose their opposites.
#anarchism #compassion #love #Joy #vulnerabilities #BetterWorld #ancom #socialecology #rage #emmagoldman #radicaljoy #positive #intersectionality #DisabilityJustice #queerliberation #solarpunk #decolonization #transformativejustice #abolition
UK watchdog calls on Nintendo to refund customers who purchased new Joy-Con due to ‘drift’
https://www.destructoid.com/nintendo-joy-con-drift-refunds-uk-watchdog-switch-design-fault/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=nintendo-joy-con-drift-refunds-uk-watchdog-switch-design-fault #NintendoSwitch #Hardware #Nintendo #Joy-Con #Lawsuit #News #Bugs #UK
#NintendoSwitch #Hardware #Nintendo #Joy #lawsuit #News #Bugs #UK
Today's moment of happiness: Out of the blue, completely unexpected, a new episode of the #HomeCooking #podcast. First episode in a year. If you've never listened, you must! It's Samin Nosrat (author of Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat) and Hrishikesh Hirway (Song Exploder). Their chemistry is amazing, and Samin's laugh just makes me so happy. #Cooking #Joy #Recipes
#homecooking #Podcast #cooking #Joy #recipes
Heute, am Donnerstag 17.11.2022 ab 16.00 Uhr, präsentiert der hannoversche Künstler #Joy Lohmann (u.a. von Artists for Future) auf der Weltklimakonferenz #COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh die Ergebnisse von Schul-Workshops und unterstützt den Beginn einer #EnergiesparKampagne.
Parallel zu seiner Klimakunstausstellung im WorldArtForum auf der Weltklimakonferenz COP27 veranstalteten die hannoverschen Makers-For-Humanity e.V. mit zwei lokalen ägyptischen Schulen Upcycling-Workshops: Es wurden schwimmende #EnergiePyramiden gebaut. Eindrücke vom Entstehungsprozess zeigt dieses sehr kurze Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaf0A8CXJ2c
Die schwimmenden Energie-Pyramiden unterstützen visuell die auf der Weltklimakonferenz COP27 startende Energie-Kampagne mit dem Titel "Power-On-Pyramids" des Vereins Youth4Planet. Diese beginnt heute mit einer Vorstellung ab 16 Uhr und ein Einblick über den Ablauf kann hier gewonnen werden: https://open-island.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/pyramid-invitation17-11-22.pdf
Joy würde sich freuen, wenn auch in #Hannover und Umgebung und darüber hinaus die Aktionen wahrgenommen und über soziale und traditionelle Medien verbreitet würden.
#Joy #cop27 #Energiesparkampagne #energiepyramiden #hannover
Feels like homework to get set up here. Really bummed about #twittercollapse . Love to #Travel, have #conversations and do my #Therapy job - which brings me #Joy
#twittercollapse #travel #conversations #therapy #Joy