An #Introduction:
#Poet and #Novelist who reads #Philosophy and #Classics for fun
I also love 20th century #literature like #Joyce, #Faulkner, #Pynchon, and #DeLillo
Lover of all kinds of #music, but particularly classic #punk, #hardcore and #jazz these days
Used to love #movies, but now I have #kids. So they run the TV lol
Most of my projects (#CreativeWriting, #Film, #Music) are all on my website. Check it out here if you’d like:
#introduction #poet #novelist #philosophy #classics #literature #Joyce #Faulkner #Pynchon #DeLillo #music #punk #hardcore #jazz #movies #kids #creativewriting #film
Franco Moretti: i romanzi al cannocchiale #FrancoMoretti #Dostoevskij #MaryMitford #ConanDoyle #Libridine #Flaubert #Austen #Proust #Joyce #Verga #Woolf #Mann #Zola
#Zola #Mann #Woolf #Verga #Joyce #Proust #Austen #Flaubert #Libridine #ConanDoyle #MaryMitford #dostoevskij #FrancoMoretti