Even if you’ve had a problem or need for a long time, the situation can change. Believe God’s Word, obey Him, and speak in agreement with His Word. #JoyceQuote
When has that ever reliably worked?
God, I trust You to restore all I have lost. Grant me the patience to wait peacefully and be filled with hope that You are working in my life. In Jesus' name, Amen! #JoyceQuote
God, I trust You afterwards to allow them to experience losing it again, just like You did the first time they lost it. In Jesus' name. Amen. So say we all!
Prayer makes tremendous power available (James 5:16). Don’t let your prayer life reflect weeds of inconsistency or neglect. New confidence can quickly form when you have the power of God’s Holy Spirit working in your life. #JoyceQuote
You are confusing confidence with narcissism.
God is a God of restoration, and He can actually make us better than we were before we were wounded or disappointed. Put your hope in Him and expect something good to happen to you. #JoyceQuote
But God won't restore you if you don't believe in Him? Only Christians can be restored in the world? No one else of any other religion can be restored? I'm calling your bluff woman!
God is expecting, looking, and longing to show you His goodness. This is why you can have a happy expectation of good in your life. #JoyceQuote
Oh, so what's what all those monster hurricanes, bomb cyclones, torrential flooding, climate change, raging wildfires, terrifying firenados, racists, political unrest, sexists, mass murderers, deadly pandemics, and epidemics of Christian child molesters you've been experiencing lately are all about -- God's goodness!
Obey God’s Word and you will eliminate anxiety from your life! #JoyceQuote
Show me for once then.
Most of what we worry about will never happen. #JoyceQuote
Proof that worrying works really well!
It’s time to shake off the lies that have held you back. Today is a day of destiny. Today is a day of healing. Today is the day you can say with confidence, “I am a child of God, I am loved, valuable, talented, and forgiven. I know who I am in Christ!” #JoyceQuote
Why is always about "Me! Me! Me!" and never about someone else? What are you to other people because of Christ? Fake? A fanatic? A hypocrite for The LORD? Do you know what love is?
God’s promises offer hope and an opportunity for a new life for you—a life lived boldly and aggressively instead of by fear and uncertainty. #JoyceQuote
"Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell" (Matt 10:28). #BibleQuote
Lord, You used people of all ages throughout the Bible, and You can use me. Today is a new day, and I am excited about what You have for me to accomplish. In Jesus' name, Amen. #JoyceQuote
LORD, teach me how to not be someone's puppet-on-a-string, unless that is impossible for you to do.
With God, things don’t get worse, they get better and better! You don’t sink and lower, you rise higher and higher! #JoyceQuote
Hence the reason for all the monster hurricanes, bomb cyclones, torrential flooding, climate change, raging wildfires, terrifying firenados, racists, political unrest, sexists, mass murderers, deadly pandemics, and epidemics of Christian child molester you've been experiencing lately!
Break out of the cage that has kept you from enjoying God’s best in your life. Soar higher into the plans and purposes He has for you. Don’t worry or be afraid. You can do it! #JoyceQuote
That's right! Don't miss out on any of your subscriptions or monetary donations! Don't worry about the economic future, just give me more of your money today in the name of Jesus. Amen. So say we all. And Pass The Loot! I mean Praise The LORD!
God’s Word will guide you, encourage you, give you wisdom, and give you the confidence you need to face each day! #JoyceQuote
"She lusted after men hung like a donkey and could cum like a horse" (from God's Holy Word at Ezekiel 23:20) - #NotTheTrueWhiteBrotherQuote
#notthetruewhitebrotherquote #JoyceQuote
God has a purpose for you, and He loves you unconditionally. He didn’t just get stuck with you, He chose you! (Ephesians 1:4-5). #JoyceQuote
"She lusted after men hung like a donkey and could cum like a horse" (from God's Holy Word at Ezekiel 23:20). #CoyoteQuote
God’s love is His free gift to us, and we simply need to receive it, be thankful for it, and let it bring us closer to Him. When you are assured that God loved you first, you are excited to love Him in return—you are excited to live your life completely for Him.
What would you know about love?
Choose to believe that God will make something beautiful out of every place of pain. May God not only bring you great joy, but may you also tell others about it so they will be inspired to believe God will give them beauty for their ashes too. #JoyceQuote
God is the one who silently watched and waited on the sidelines while you went into your place of pain, and if He didn't do anything about it then, why would He do anything about it now?
There’s still time for you to be all you can be, the greatest you can be, and you can do that for God’s glory. #JoyceQuote
How much time? Are you sure it's enough time because how easy could it be to become great like that?
God is aware of everything we need, and He knows exactly how and when to provide it for us. If we will trust Him, we will see Him move on our behalf and do in our lives what we could never do for ourselves. #JoyceQuote
God is aware that your country has been inundated with bomb cyclones, monster hurricanes, torrential flooding, raging wildfires, terrifying firenados, mass murderers, deadly pandemics, and epidemics of Christian child molesters, and He just doesn't care.
Begin to see yourself as strong because you are in Christ. You can draw strength from Him anytime you need it. You can do all things through Christ because He gives you strength! #JoyceQuote
Pretending you are strong instead of seeing yourself as you really are, won't make you stronger, because when fantasy and reality collide, reality always wins.
If we use our faith and act in obedience to the Holy Spirit’s direction, God’s power will be on whatever we do and He will lead us to victory! #JoyceQuote
It's not working (very well). Again.