Picking up some cool ideas for using YAML and programmatic markdown generation to make updating the list of publications a piece of cake: https://ddimmery.com/posts/quarto-website/
Now I just need to figure out the #JuliaLang way to print markdown from code blocks, since I haven't had to work with that before...
Chinmay Pendharkar @ntt will be giving a talk on "A Julian take on Embedded Software" at #FOSSASIA Summit 2023 #Singapore 13-15 April #opensource #embeddedsoftware #JuliaLang @JuliaLanguage https://eventyay.com/e/7cfe0771/session/8237
#FOSSASIA #Singapore #OpenSource #EmbeddedSoftware #JuliaLang
Chinmay Pendharkar @ntt will be giving a talk on "A Julian take on Embedded Software" at #FOSSASIA Summit 2023 #Singapore 13-15 April #opensource #embeddedsoftware #JuliaLang @JuliaLanguage https://eventyay.com/e/7cfe0771/session/8237
#FOSSASIA #Singapore #OpenSource #EmbeddedSoftware #JuliaLang
I've done a fair amount of googling yesterday and basically got no answer:
In #JuliaLang (how) can I create a function from an expression and store it as a field of a struct? which is what I wanted to do for Operation.
In the end I found out I could do eval(Expr(:call, expression, arg)), which I guess is extraordinarily slow.
Anyone else doing #AdventOfCode this year? I'll likely be using #JuliaLang as I did last year.
This year it's really crept up on me and I refuse to believe December is in 3 days.
RT @jfelipe
Besides the #RStats labs, the #ISLR book by G. James, @daniela_witten, @HastieTrevor & @robtibshirani has #Python & #JuliaLang versions. No excuses to enjoy the content while using your favourite programming language. https://twitter.com/Rami_Krispin/status/1481633431817621506
#JuliaLang #Python #ISLR #Rstats