claude · @mathr
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I implemented Slow Mating for quadratic polynomials using the equations and hints in Chapter 5 of Wolf Jung's 2017 paper "The Thurston Algorithm for quadratic matings"

My code is 145 lines of quite-straightforward C, vs 2249 lines of C++ with various state hidden in mutating objects for the code accompanying the paper (which admittedly does a lot more, working from angles to compute the complex points and (pre)periods that are the input to my code). I'll do a blog post next week once I've tested more cases to make sure I haven't done any big mistakes.

There were a couple of subtleties, 1. needing to use cproj() to normalize infinity's representation and avoid NaNs; and 2. in one place, converting (a - b) / (a - c) to (1 - b/a) / (1 - c/a) so that it still works when a is infinite.

Attached images are the north period 4 island mated with the west period 4 island (blue background), and 2/5 bulb mated with 1/2 bulb (turquoise background).

#Quadratic #JuliaSets #SlowMating #RationalFunction #maths #fractals

Last updated 5 years ago