The UK are effectively "" their espionage laws to prosecute non-citizens for espionage.

Also corporations to gain protections as if they were govt institutions.

Also crimes abroad permitted if the criminal conduct is deemed "necessary for the proper function" of such entities.

Etc etc etc.

#JulianAssanging #whistleblowing #uk #usa #corporateStateTotalitarianism #fascism

Last updated 2 years ago

So and are now , just like ?

By that we mean abusing and persecuting .


Partake in the 3-day for with these peoples. By calling in sick sometime between 21-24 June. Together we might cause the to shutdown, sending a clear message to those in power.

#israel #budapest #JulianAssanging #theWest #journalists #workerstrike #solidarity #economy #WorkplaceUncertaintyForAssange

Last updated 4 years ago