#13books that I think about often:
#OliverSacks Musicophilia
#WillAitken Antigone Undone: #JulietteBinoche, #AnneCarson, #IvoVanHove, and the Art of Resistance
#NickCave, And the Ass Saw the Angel
#MarkZDanielewski House of Leaves
#UmbertoEco The Island of the Day Before
#HermannHesse Glass Bead Game
#PatrickMcCabe Poguemahone
#NealStephenson Anathem
#HalldorLaxness Under the Glacier
#CanXue Frontier
#JohnDarnielle x2: Universal Harvester, Master of Reality
#MaggieRowe Sin Bravely
#maggierowe #johndarnielle #canxue #halldorlaxness #nealstephenson #patrickmccabe #hermannhesse #umbertoeco #markzdanielewski #nickcave #ivovanhove #AnneCarson #JulietteBinoche #willaitken #oliversacks #13books
#DanInRealLife è stato una piacevole sorpresa.Notevole per l'acume e gli efficaci #JulietteBinoche (aperta a ogni registro) e #SteveCarell.
#daninreallife #JulietteBinoche #stevecarell
Una delle massime di Jean-Luc Godard, probabilmente il suo film più poetico ed eretico. All'uscita fu vituperato dai cattolici: Giovanni Paolo II presidiò un rosario di espiazione contro l'opera e fu anche sequestrata in diverse città come Pesaro, Cuneo e Rimini...
#JevoussalueMarie #HailMary #JeanLucGodard #MyriemRoussel #JulietteBinoche #cinemafrancese #frenchcinema #virginmary #cinema #film #godard #masterpiece #movie #80s #verginemaria
#jevoussaluemarie #hailmary #JeanLucGodard #myriemroussel #JulietteBinoche #cinemafrancese #frenchcinema #virginmary #cinema #film #godard #masterpiece #movie #80s #verginemaria
Did one ever notice, what epidemic plagues could cause to citizens, their relations and (mental) health of so called nations? Find out and watch "le hussar sur le toit" by #JeanPaulRappeneau with #JulietteBinoche and #OlivierMartinez again. And again. Stay healthy, stay away from animals and don´t dare to eat them. Take care of your #love, friends and family. love. hug. #disinfect.
#cinema #binoche #lehussarsurletoit #derhusaraufdemdach #thehorsemanontheroof #rinaldoandarmida #manosque
#jeanpaulrappeneau #JulietteBinoche #oliviermartinez #love #Disinfect #cinema #binoche #lehussarsurletoit #derhusaraufdemdach #thehorsemanontheroof #rinaldoandarmida #manosque
🎭 La Compagnia Teatrale Costellazione porta in scena:
CHOCOLAT...una commedia peccaminosamente deliziosa! 🎭
18 MARZO 2023 Ore 21:15 al Teatro dei Concordi Acquaviva di Montepulciano (SI)
Spettacolo di teatro fisico liberamente ispirato al romanzo #Chocolat di Joanne Harris e all'omonimo #film con Johnny Depp e Juliette Binoche.
#OOOHEvents #teatro #siena #Montepulciano #JohnnyDepp #JulietteBinoche #romanzo #amore #cioccolato
#chocolat #film #OOOHEvents #teatro #siena #Montepulciano #johnnydepp #JulietteBinoche #romanzo #amore #cioccolato
#JulietteBinoche by #RobertDoisneau, 1991 🎥
#robertdoisneau #JulietteBinoche
Damage, 1992.
Dir. Louis Malle 🎥
#cinema #louismalle #jeremyirons #JulietteBinoche
#Venice Film Festival and #César Award winner #JulietteBinoche stars as a grieving wife and mother in #KrzysztofKieslowski's #GoldenLion winner THREE COLORS: #BLUE (1993).
#Film #blue #GoldenLion #krzysztofkieslowski #JulietteBinoche #cesar #venice #cinema #Movies #BlueMonday
A grey winter day is perfect for watching one of my favs compliments of #JulietteBinoche, with special appearance by Doc Oc!
Godzilla (2014) - 1/4 - In the first #MonsterVerse #Godzilla film, I wondered how they got #JulietteBinoche. Then her character died around minute 10. I asked the same of #BryanCranston, but he lasts a little longer. The CG and monster attack sequences are solid and made me want to revisit #GarethEdwards Monsters.
#garethedwards #BryanCranston #JulietteBinoche #godzilla #monsterverse
Godzilla (2014) - 1/4 - In the first #MonsterVerse #Godzilla film, I wondered how they got #JulietteBinoche. Then her character died around minute 10. I asked the same of #BryanCranston, but he lasts a little longer. The CG and monster attack sequences are solid and made me want to revisit #GarethEdwards Monsters.
#garethedwards #BryanCranston #JulietteBinoche #godzilla #monsterverse