“Modern people are ignorant of what they really are. We have simply forgotten what a human being really is, so we have men like Nietzsche and Freud and Adler, who tell us what we are, quite mercilessly.
We have to discover our shadow. Otherwise we are driven into a world war in order to see what beasts we are.”
—Carl Jung, Visions: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1930-1934
(Painting by me)
#carljung #Jungian #shadow #analyticalpsychology
I really love this little story from Marie-Louise von Franz about one of her early meetings with Carl Jung. It beautifully glimpses something of Jung’s unique mind and he’s approach to mental illness, and the reverential wonder it inspired for her and so many others.
#jung #jungian #analyticalpsychology #marielouisevonfranz #psychology #archetypalpsychology
#jung #Jungian #analyticalpsychology #marielouisevonfranz #psychology #archetypalpsychology
#today I’m sitting with a #dream I had over the holidays that seems to be telling me very strongly not to turn off the path I’ve been following for the last 6 months or so. In the dream, I was dragging a big suitcase along a disused railway line, from a lush green jungle towards a blue horizon of skyscrapers. I met 3 people (like in a #fairytale ) - an #animus figure, a young #shadow and an older #shadow - they made it clear I need to stay in the jungle (It makes sense to me!) #jung #jungian
#today #dream #fairytale #animus #shadow #jung #Jungian
4/ Here, I suggest, there is a missing link between depression and capitalist realism that was not captured in the assigned chapters: intuition. In this case, I mean intuition in the #Jungian individual sense, where a degree of both internal and external intuition inhabits the unconscious self. However, this expands to a kind of collective intuition where labourers/consumers sense the Real, its faults, and its danger. This reminds me (thanks, dad) of #BuffaloSpringfield “For What It’s Worth” . “There's something happening here…But what it is ain't exactly clear… “
How does one face their shadow? #CarlJung #jungian #psychology
#psychology #Jungian #carljung