jacque #Mitchell of St.Charles got murdered. jungle fever will kill you.
The perp. was driving around town in her car whilst she was rotting away in his apartment for past six days.
These women never learn.
#JungleFever #dejoie #maggieobriens #mitchell
MORE NEWS from #DonkeyKongCountry.
All #FunkyFlights are to be suspended to due #JungleFever.
Dixie is campaigning for them to #stayGrounded due to "#klimateKoncerns", with barricades and checkpoints on the paths to #OilDrumAlley.
To help people stay connected #FunkyKong is launching his own instance of #Funkiverse.
Claims that the Kremlings have botFarms in the ice caverns, jam-packed with #klappers spreading disinformation are unfounded.
More as the situation unfolds.
#donkeykongcountry #FunkyFlights #JungleFever #staygrounded #klimateKoncerns #OilDrumAlley #FunkyKong #Funkiverse #klappers #fedifiction