Hello. Can I reach people using #JupyterBook to create online teaching resources or technical documents?
I am interesting in the process of creating PDFs from the JupyterBook.
📢 We released new version of #MarkdownSQL Pro Tools. New features:
✅ SQL code block highlights & selections
✅ Detection of %%sql magic code blocks & %sql magic code lines
✅ New #SQLBookmarks 📑
✅ New Extract All SQL code lens
✅ MyST #JupyterBook markdown documents support
✅ SQL code lenses for #Quarto, #Rmarkdown, and #ObservableJS docs
Docs and new demos at:
📰 ⮚ https://randomfractals.github.io/pro-data-tools/#markdown-sql-pro-tools
These tools are free today, for one day only. Sign up to try them out!
💖 ⮚ https://github.com/sponsors/RandomFractals/sponsorships?tier_id=295482
#ObservableJS #rmarkdown #quarto #JupyterBook #sqlbookmarks #markdownsql
Using #MarkdownSQLPro Tools 🛠️ with new #SQLBookmarks 🔖, #SQLite & our #DuckDBPro #SQLTools in #VSCode IDE on @ploomber's #JupySQL #JupyText / #MyST #JupyterBook 📓 markdown docs 😎
#SQL #DuckDB #Markdown #ProDataTools 🧙♂️ ...
#prodatatools #markdown #duckdb #sql #JupyterBook #myst #jupytext #jupysql #vscode #sqltools #duckdbpro #sqlite #sqlbookmarks #markdownsqlpro
Same #JupySQL Intro #JupyterBook 📓 markdown document in #VSCode IDE with the added top level Execute All, Select All, Extract All SQL code lenses, and Execute, Select, Copy and Create SQL code lenses in the code cells with %%sql #SQLMagics:
#MarkdownSQLProTools 🧙♂️ ...
#markdownsqlprotools #sqlmagics #vscode #JupyterBook #jupysql
Quick demo of the new Extract All SQL and Execute SQL code lenses in the upcoming #MarkdownSQL Pro Tools v1.2.0 with #JupyterBook markdown support and #JupySQL / #SQLMagics SQL code extraction and execution in action:
This example uses VS Code #SQLTools and #DuckDBPro Tools to execute SQL queries directly from the Jupy SQL Jupyter Book markdown document (https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/blob/master/doc/quick-start.md).
#VSCode #ProDataTools 🧙♂️ ...
#prodatatools #vscode #duckdbpro #sqltools #sqlmagics #jupysql #JupyterBook #markdownsql
The beginnings of an introduction for the #TroveDataGuide. Still figuring out a few #JupyterBook things. https://wragge.github.io/trove-data-guide/introduction.html
https://volodymyrpavlyshyn.medium.com/turn-code-samples-into-an-executable-book-with-jupyter-book-783e84bf9f5f small guide to #selfpublishing. I turn code samples to a executable book #jupyter #jupyterbook
#selfpublishing #jupyter #JupyterBook
Another simple update to docs for a #python project leads to a rabbit hole fixing #JupyterBook issues. 😭
@jfmay Thanks for your experience and resources. I do something similar with #JupyterBook and #github (and I am happy to see I could do the same on #gitlab).
Currently, each section has a 2.5-hour lecture each week, where I mix topic introductions and applications.
I want to move topic introductions to a video students watch before class, allowing meetings to focus on applications (i.e., working through notebooks full of exercises).
Just in case someone out here finds it useful, here's a link to my #ML for #Neuroscience exercise booklet (made with #JupyterBook ):
It's probably my last year TAing the class, and I haven't updated it in a while, but there are a couple of (hopefully) useful tutorials in there; particularly exercises V and VI, plagiarized (I mean adapted) from bits of the ISLR and an incredible workshop given by @talyarkoni on #NeuroHackademy 2020 (see https://github.com/neurohackademy/nh2020-curriculum/tree/master/tu-machine-learning-yarkoni).
#ml #neuroscience #JupyterBook #neurohackademy
#TIL you can use #JupyterBook to run #Bash commands
I’ve just been using it for product research on things and it’s awesome to then make notes straight away!
@zoeleblanc @simonwiles @shane_et_al @sramsay I bet we could get multiple DSC books out of this one, though we might need to get creative with the premise a bit for something like SQL. (There's no database in our project as such, though we have a metadata sheet and full text.)
I don't know offhand what the underpinnings are of the #JupyterBook search, but since that's our publishing platform it could be one starting point.
I've been doing a lot of my homework solutions for UG Stars class in #jupyter and putting them up online using #JupyterBook :
this way anyone can run them easily in the cloud
#teaching #oer #Astrodon #JupyterBook #jupyter
Gracias por compartirlo @ecosdelfuturo. Yo uso #jupyterbook para generar websites o pdf, pero viendo por encima #quarto me parece más completo y fácil de usar. Es una pena que haya que instalarlo desde un paquete y no pueda instalarse y gestionarse con #conda ¿o sí puede hacerse? sería más fácil para trabajar en entornos.
@MarkH Thanks Mark. Ppl have done fantastic stuff with #jupyterbook for courses and training material.
As I was aluding to in one of my answers, we are now testing if #jupyterbook can replace the rigid Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document (ATBD) document for a satellite processing chain.
We are at the start of the journey, first with #ESA, maybe later with EUMETSAT and #OSISAF.
@DewiLeBars We are trying to use them for technical documentation of algorithms for #satellite data processing: we write the mathematical description and then the prototype implementation software alongside (as notebooks).
Historically the description has been in a document (a PDF), and the source code to the side. And you have to update both places when you make some changes.
The hope is that the #jupyterbook will keep these two close together.
But we are at the start of our journey.
So anyone using #jupyterbook here?
I've started to explore them for an ESA study and what I've seen so far ROCKS!
Something I'm excited about is the #CryoCloud #JupyterBook 📙 starting up at https://book.cryointhecloud.com by @TashaMSnow@twitter.com et al. This will be a great resource for ❄️ #Cryosphere researchers working on data-intensive workflows like #MachineLearning! If you have ideas on 👩🏫 #tutorials, feel free to mention them below, or post it to the #GitHub page at https://github.com/CryoInTheCloud/CryoCloudWebsite!
#CryoCloud #JupyterBook #cryosphere #machinelearning #tutorials #github
Lunch discussion about #venus data analysis. Eliot Young and team took a lot of Venus data with the SPECS spectrometer at the #IRTF telescope on Hawai’i and they need a Pythonista to comb through the data. Will be fun! First need to clean up existing notebooks and put them into a #jupyterbook for better access!