Warum habe ich #JurassicWorldEvolution deinstalliert?
Jetzt würde es flüssig laufen. Aber weitere 13GB kann ich so schnell nicht verbrauchen. Schon jetzt wird es knapp, bis Monatsende durchzukommen.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) is going to be an exciting day for #JurassicWorldEvolution since we expect the announcement of a DLC that will finally add the missing Dominion creatures to the game; Atrociraptor, Oviraptor, Moros, Lystrosaurus, Microceratus, and an Iguanodon variant
Which ones are you most excited for?
Tomorrow (Tuesday) is going to be an exciting day for #JurassicWorldEvolution since we expect the announcement of a DLC that will add the missing Dominion creatures to the game; Atrociraptor, Oviraptor, Moros, Lystrosaurus, Microceratus, and an Iguanodon variant
Which ones are you most excited for?
I hope Jurassic World Evolution 2 will just let me build a nice, peaceful dino park - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/FIBhJD4HsV0/a-nerds-opinion-of-what-to-expect-from-jurassic-world-evolution-2 #JurassicWorldEvolution2 #JurassicWorldEvolution #FrontierDevelopments #DinosaurGames #dinosaurs! #Simulation #E32021
#JurassicWorldEvolution2 #JurassicWorldEvolution #frontierdevelopments #DinosaurGames #dinosaurs #simulation #E32021
Jurassic World Evolution 2 is coming this year - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/Cl0k9bC0pPA/jurassic-world-evolution-2-is-coming-out-later-this-year #JurassicWorldEvolution2 #JurassicWorldEvolution #FrontierDevelopments #SummerGameFest #JEFFGOLDBLUM #Simulation #E32021
#JurassicWorldEvolution2 #JurassicWorldEvolution #frontierdevelopments #SummerGameFest #JEFFGOLDBLUM #simulation #E32021