My #Introduction. AKA the Hashtag Explosion. My name is Rua M Williams and I am a #Disabled #Mad #Autistic #CommonCyborg and an #Academic studying #TechEthics #DisabilityJustice #MadRhetoric #Crip #Technoscience and #Autistic #Technoculture.
I work in the #STS #CriticalDisability and #HCI disciplines. I idolize #Histodon and #HistMed. I also study contemporary eugenics, which I clal #MetaEugenics.
I'm a #JustTech fellow with the #SSRC Social Science Research Council's #JustTechPlatform. My project is #CyborgImaginaries (formerly #Cyborg Coalitions but that sounded too neoliberal.. Which I did on purpose to get the award 🙃).
#Introduction #disabled #mad #autistic #CommonCyborg #academic #techethics #DisabilityJustice #MadRhetoric #crip #technoscience #technoculture #sts #CriticalDisability #hci #Histodon #histmed #MetaEugenics #JustTech #SSRC #JustTechPlatform #CyborgImaginaries #cyborg
RT @ssrc_just_tech
Check out two new essays in the latest from #JustTech: a critique of the harms of data-driven policing by @sh4keer, and a preview from @AimiHamraie and @KelsieActon of @criticaldesignl’s Remote Access Archive
RT @FractalEcho
I am so excited to be a #JustTech fellow (@ssrc_just_tech @ssrc_org) with @BlackDigitalHum, @hypervisible, Christine Miranda, @ClarenceOkoh, & @wemeasureus. I'm excited to talk about my project #CyborgCoalitions. But first, I want to celebrate my new colleagues. 🧵
RT @ssrc_just_tech
In a new essay for #JustTech, @ergincloud examines Turkey’s pandemic-era delivery sector, noting the relative autonomy of the work intersects with near-constant technological surveillance to “provide an ambivalent and contradictory form of unfree freedom.”
RT @ssrc_org
JOB OPPORTUNITY | @ssrc_just_tech is hiring a program coordinator to play a critical role in keeping the program’s activities on track and managing day-to-day operations. Learn more about this opportunity with #JustTech:
RT @ssrc_just_tech
Come work with us! #JustTech
RT @ssrc_just_tech
In a conversation with @geminiimatt, we talked about what it means to be a hacker, how surveillance technologies are tested on marginalized communities, and the value of conducting research that centers affected communities. Now on #JustTech.
With support from,,, &, we're thrilled to announce the #JustTech Fellowship—a 2-year, full-time fellowship of $100K+/yr to support research at the intersection of tech & social justice:
So proud of the launch of the #JustTech fellowship which is leading not only with substance— the space necessary to imagine and anticipate futures where justice and equity inform the design of technology at its inception—but also redefining what a just fellowship can support.