You are supposed to have a scary costume for Halloween so I dressed as CHEP pallets used by supermarkets. The pallets are made from native Victorian forests, the habitat of endangered species. Terrifying.
#Halloween2022 #NativeForestLogging #JustTransitionNow #VictorianForests #EndangeredSpecies #BiodiversityCrisis
#Halloween2022 #NativeForestLogging #JustTransitionNow #VictorianForests #endangeredspecies #biodiversitycrisis #CHEP
In Glasgow spraken landen af om vanaf eind 2022 geen nieuwe fossiele brandstofprojecten meer te financieren. ING gaat zet de eigen deadline nog eens twee jaar later...... #KeepItInTheGround #JustTransitionNow
#JustTransitionNow #keepitintheground