RT @GebremeskelGeb@twitter.com
A #Tigrayan from Shire city told me today that the Eritrean troops & Amhara Fano have been searching for genocidal rape victims in every IDP center in the city.
I asked my source why.
"revenge for exposing the crime"
@HMcPhersonMP@twitter.com @volker_turk@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GebremeskelGeb/status/1610746076801245190
#Justice4TigraysWomenAndGirls #Tigrayan
RT @womenoftigray@twitter.com
Celebrating, like surviving, is a form of resistance. This year we celebrate Ashenda in defiance because we refuse to be defined by victimhood: We Are Survivors! Against all odds, we will never fail us even if the rest of the world does. #Ashenda2021 #Justice4TigraysWomenAndGirls
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/womenoftigray/status/1429389520621953029
#Ashenda2021 #Justice4TigraysWomenAndGirls