Notepad++ has this feature where you can hold your Alt-key and it allows you to select text in a "rectangle", like, you can select text above or below where you start, but at the same place in every line, not marking the full lines. (hard to describe).
Does anyone know if @kde's "Kate" also has this feature?
I'd really like that and luckily propose it for the future. 🙂
#notepadplusplus #KDEKate #kde
Guys... don't make "cut" the first option in the menu. It's not even alphabetical; "copy" should come first, then "cut". "Copy" is harmless and should be the default accidental-action.
That way I won't be forever accidentally deleting bits of code (and sometimes not noticing until later, when I have no memory of where I pasted it... if I actually got around to pasting it... and it's long gone from the undo buffer).