🇭🇺 #KDNP MP in the #HUN Parl:
- The 🇪🇺 failed because it couldn't avoid the war
- The 🇪🇺 shouldn't have provoked 🇷🇺 (!)
- Sanctions are total failure.
Btw. this is still a member party of @EPP @EPPGroup @ManfredWeber.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/istvan_ujhelyi/status/1574418639222034432
RT @DanielHegedus82: 3/4
Would they automatically be accepted as part of @EPPGroup?
It is high time to treat #KDNP as it is: as a political satellite of #Fidesz and not as an independent political entity. @EPP should have cut ties also to #KDNP long time ago.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/daniel_freund/status/1573246970201882624
Hongrie : une douce dictature à proximité (GKK/Autriche)
Comme prévu, les électeurs hongrois ont une nouvelle fois plébiscité le parti du Premier ministre sortant Viktor Orbán lors des élections législatives du 3 avril. Seule petite surp
#3avril2022 #électionslégislatives #Fidesz #Hongrie #illibéral #JOBBIK #KDNP #közmunka #migrant #MSZP #réfugiés #Rom #UE #UnispourlaHongrie #ViktorOrbán
#3avril2022 #électionslégislatives #fidesz #hongrie #illibéral #jobbik #KDNP #közmunka #migrant #MSZP #réfugiés #rom #ue #UnispourlaHongrie #viktororbán
RT @ultimora_pol: #Elezioni #Ungheria
92,57% scrutinato:
#Fidesz-#KDNP|NI|EPP: 53,42%
#EM|S&D|RE|G/EFA|NI: 34,69%
#MiHazánk|Estrema destra: 6,27%
#MKKP|Satirici: 3,22%
#MeMo|Digitalizzazione: 1,09%
#NÉP|No-vax: 0,75%
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MCampomenosi/status/1510744995065733123
[2022-04-03 22:24 UTC]
#Elezioni #Ungheria #Fidesz #KDNP #EM #MiHazánk #MKKP #MeMo #NÉP