I've tried this new desktop: Kera over my #Linux and well, looks very experimental.. a little similar to gnome but with 2 lateral panels and android aesthetic... yeah, weird mix... but I think it has a long way to go...
you can test it from here:
#linux #opensource #desktops #KERA #keradesktop
Another exodus? Black descendants of #Denton's #Quakertown face tough choices and an uncertain future | #KERA News
Features interviews with Reginald Logan and #Denton hero Alma Clark
Are celebrities pandering to #queer fans with #gender-fluid style? | #Think #KERA #fashion #identity
Great episode with Krys Boyd and Mark Harris
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Why does the government care about labeling your #gender? | Think #KERA #KERAThink
How America fell in love with ignorant politicians | #Think #KERA #KERAThink
Krys Boyd interviews Andy Borowitz about his newest book
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