Ryan Pollard :verified_paw: · @rdp
339 followers · 1901 posts · Server hachyderm.io

Just in time for school. The rather good Eight Sugar mask for children is down to $26.56 for a box of 100. After trying several different models, this is the one my 10yo daughter has been wearing for the last year. It's a legit South Korean brand and a comfortable fit for smaller faces.


#KF94 #parenting #masking #mask

Last updated 1 year ago

WACOCA · @wacoca
26 followers · 42344 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
389 followers · 1727 posts · Server zeroes.ca


No protects very well from but if you +

IMHO you’ll have a fighting chance since it’s a free for all

An N95/99 respirator alone, unless it’s an elastomeric or + in tandem, IS NOT ENOUGH for a that can be caught🚫😷in<30 seconds

Unless you signed up for the plan… that’s how long it takes

#saponins #Science #vaccine #xbb116 #wearadamnrespirator #HEPA #NasalSpray #novavax #covidzombieapocalypse #microclimateair2 #KF94 #variant #alwaysinfected #viraldose

Last updated 2 years ago

Catherine Clase · @cmclase
273 followers · 321 posts · Server qoto.org

@holmesr @Pat

Hi again. Thanks for the feedback and for engaging, much appreciated.

We think overhead elastic is critical to getting good fitted-filtration (ie, net filtration of a mask on a face). We summarize this here ⬇️


In North America, must have overhead elastic simplifying our advice in favour of these over or

There are data on beards, too!

For a 10mm beard, an N95 is still more effective than all other masks.


If the stifling feeling is specifically associated with headstraps for you, they could be too tight. Aura 3M has simple band elastic straps that lengthen with a good hard tug. This is a pro in this situation for you.

For straps that don't lengthen so easily, consider an with braided elastic such as Vitacore's .

Vitacore's Can99 also has superb breathability so if the problem isn't the attachments, this might help.

Apologies for a N American reply to a European question.

Anyone curating info on or and suppliers please let me know: we would love to put this on our website.

#WearTheBestMaskAvailable #BetterMasks #MaskUp #MasksSaveLives #MaskeAuf #maskmandate #LongCovid #ffp3 #COVID #MaskMandates #masks #WearAMask #DoAllTheThings #BringBackMasks #maskmandatenow #CovidLong #N95s #KN95 #KF94 #n95 #FFP2 #Can99 #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsntOver #ventilation #filtration #paidsickdays #beards

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
731 followers · 3218 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@rchusid Now we just need @WHO to mention , , , , , , , and/or -- the ones which *work* -- rather than just vaguely saying "masks".

Cloth & surgical junk masks are 30% effective -- better than nothing.

and reusable are >95% effective -- MUCH better. And they're cheap enough.

#n95 #n99 #P100 #FFP2 #ffp3 #p3 #KF94 #KN95 #elastomeric #respirators

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
725 followers · 2993 posts · Server zeroes.ca


Step one is to get a quality -- , . , , , , , -- I prefer P100.

Step two is to wear it ( ) when around other people, because anyone could be infected.

Step three is to put a filter or in your home (and business if you have one).

(Just adding some so more people will see your post)

#respirator #mask #n95 #n99 #P100 #KN95 #KF94 #FFP2 #ffp3 #p3 #elastomeric #WearAMask #HEPA #corsirosenthalbox #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #influenza #flu #FluIsAirborne #rsv #rsvisairborne #hashtags

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
683 followers · 2660 posts · Server zeroes.ca


, similar, or better.
, , and are similar.

and are better.
and are even better, and are always resuable (cheaper in the long run)

But what matters most is a tight fit. (rubber or silicone edge) usually fit better. Straps behind the head always -- earloops almost never fit well.

I wear the 3M 6300 with filters -- it's a reusable .

#n95 #KF94 #KN95 #FFP2 #n99 #ffp3 #p3 #P100 #elastomeric #respirators

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
683 followers · 2660 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@actagainstcovid Not disagreeing. But we need real community-led responses, not astroturfed stuff. I won't boost an article unless it mentions either (, , , , , , ), filters, or the .

#respirator #masks #n95 #KN95 #KF94 #FFP2 #ffp3 #n99 #P100 #HEPA #corsirosenthalbox

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
639 followers · 2521 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@munkinasack @amcglothin @darnell @ZeroCovidColin Yeah, that's a good writeup.... but it omits the most important thing.

I just keep repeating the same thing, since Jetelina doesn't mention it.

, , (etc) work very well against *all* variants. filters and do too.

They also work against & .

Variants evolve to evade immunity -- they cannot evolve to evade masks & air filters, not significantly.

#n95 #P100 #KF94 #respirator #masks #HEPA #corsirosenthalboxes #flu #rsv #COVIDisAirborne #CleanTheAir

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
640 followers · 2498 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@darnell @ZeroCovidColin

What really frustrates me is that we have the tools to stop and and .


The (, , , etc) filter it out. The filters filter it out.

This works in hospitals (Cambridge study), schools (AbromeEd, Brisbane independent school), the HEPA filters even work in a restaurant (Apricot Tree Cafe).

Let's just do that. . Why are we breathing dirty, infected air? We don't have to.

#covid #flu #rsv #COVIDisAirborne #respirator #masks #n95 #P100 #KF94 #HEPA #CleanTheAir

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
640 followers · 2498 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@toad From the start of the pandemic, it was always easier for those of us who were introverts.

But now we KNOW how to protect from Covid -- well-fitting or or ( ) and filters and es.

These precautions, together, are sufficient to do nearly all *extroverted* activities, except for eating in public. So now I just don't get it.

People want their party, great, just have it with masks on & HEPA filters. Why not?

#n95 #KF94 #P100 #elastomerics #respirator #mask #HEPA #corsirosenthalbox

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
626 followers · 2372 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@Kat @Suig

You are not anywhere near "out the other side" -- Covid's still running amok in Canada - averaging 2300 new *reported* cases/day, but most people are just doing home tests & not reporting!

Yeah, things are getting terrible in China, but they're still very bad in Canada and the US, despite dishonest government "happy talk".

Protect yourself! , , , , find a which fits and is comfortable. FloMask is usually the favorite for kids.

#n95 #n99 #KF94 #P100 #respirator #mask

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
542 followers · 1970 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@clarebee It's 100% rational risk analysis.

Basically these "family gatherings" are infection sites. It happens like clockwork every year and the situation is worse than ever this year.

The *minimum* you should do is to wear a well-fitting , , (or better) mask at all times -- do not take it off. Yes, this means no eating.

It is arguably a better idea to simply not attend the events at all.

A party is not worth risking for.

#FFP2 #KF94 #n95 #COVIDisAirborne #covid19 #covid #LongCOVID

Last updated 2 years ago

Anne Miller · @crosscutanne
333 followers · 890 posts · Server mastodon.social

Happy Day. Who doesn’t like a gift?? Gifting to all this excellent story from from Nov. in public or large group settings. An easy action to take for your health, for the health of others.

Who wants to be w a , ?? Not me. Wear or and


#wapo #MaskUpIndoors #sick #cold #influenza #flu #covid #n95 #KF94 #enjoylife

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
513 followers · 1726 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Oh, I'm supposed to pin an intro post.

I'm here for the safety.

My partner was infected with by doctor's offices which weren't practicing proper airborne infection control. Twice.

by .


Stop .

#covid #covid19 #COVIDisAirborne #aerosol #CovidIsNotOver #nosocomial #infection #WearAMask #P100 #elastomeric #p3 #n99 #ffp3 #n95 #KN95 #FFP2 #KF94 #CleanTheAir #HEPA #merv13 #corsirosenthalbox

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
513 followers · 1726 posts · Server zeroes.ca


Same instructions for people in as for people anywhere else: wear a mask which fits well, or a , or similar. Put filters or everywhere.

#china #KN95 #P100 #HEPA #corsirosenthalboxes #COVIDisAirborne #CleanTheAir #WearAMask #maskup #n95 #KF94 #CovidIsNotOver

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
425 followers · 1264 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@Benfell @ZeroCovidColin

We can stop easily.

We can't stop with vaccines. We stop cholera with water treatment plants, because cholera is in the water.

Also water filters and UV for long-distance hikers etc.

We stop with air cleaning -- filters, , -- because Covid is in the air.

And with
( / / / / / / etc).

Side benefit: we also stop and .

It's a .

#covid #cholera #HEPA #merv13 #corsirosenthalbox #respirator #masks #n95 #P100 #p3 #ffp3 #FFP2 #KN95 #KF94 #flu #rsv #paradigmshift

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathanael Nerode · @neroden
364 followers · 798 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@hsil I realize this is from way back in early 2020 -- what ignorance there was at that time!

- Most diseases were not stopped by drugs, but by *public health*

- stops
- stops

- filters, , masks, masks, masks, masks, these all work

We end the pandemic by cleaning the air.

#COVIDisAirborne #cleanwater #cholera #cleanair #covid #HEPA #corsirosenthalboxes #P100 #n95 #ffp3 #KF94

Last updated 2 years ago

Đổi Thưởng Hot · @doithuonghot
6 followers · 449 posts · Server mastodon.cloud


KF94Bet Bị Sập? Đánh Giá Nhà Cái KF94

#KF94Bet #KF94

Last updated 2 years ago

2877133136 · @2877133136
1 followers · 13801 posts · Server 285936586.masto.host

High-quality, tight-fitting are critical Excellent graphic w/ a ton of useful info & basic flowchart on quality. Helps explain & think through , , , cloth, etc. as 2-pg print By Susan Sama, Ann Bauer, John Lindberg at @UMassLowell. h/t @Don_Milton twitter.com/HuffmanLabDU/statu

#KF94 #KN95 #N95 #mask #masks

Last updated 3 years ago