An outrageous story from #KGO's Dan Noyes:
#Novato police SWAT leader guns down neighbor's dog, releases video to defend actions
That cop is a lot bigger than I am, and I have easily battled off more viscous dogs. In fact, that dog had no interest in him; it wanted the chickens. Some people's first instinct is to lie.
An outrageous story from #KGO's Dan Noyes:
"Novato police SWAT leader guns down neighbor's dog, releases video to defend actions"
That cop is a lot bigger than I am, and I have easily battled off more viscous dogs. In fact, that dog had no interest in him; it wanted the chickens. Some people's first instinct is to lie.
Goodbye #KGO. At its height, the most listened to station in Northern California.
Working there was an honor. It will be missed.
RT @FontaneArchiv
Am 8.+9. November richtet das @FontaneArchiv den Workshop »Original und Kopie. Probleme und Potentiale der Reproduzierbarkeit für die Kulturgutvermittlung« aus. Herzliche Einladung und weitere Informationen hier:
#KGO #KNK #kulturBB @unipotsdam @SPSGmuseum