@bringbackmasksbc I wear a #FloMask any time I have to go indoors. I did just buy some #RediMask for medical appointments where I have to lay down, since the FloMask seal can break then for me. I carry #3M #Aura #N95 masks with me for any unexpected situations, and also #KN95 ear loop masks for picking up at drive-through windows (easy to get on fast, and I can quickly ventilate by opening car windows). So the type of mask I choose depends on the situation, but I always mask!!
@novid #MaskUp
#flomask #redimask #3m #aura #n95 #KN95 #maskup
Comme on me pose des question et qu’évidemment je ne maitrise pas le sujet, je rajoute le lien vers la chaine de @FitTestMyPlanet pour que vous puissiez voir les modalités de tests des masques #FFP2 #N95 #KN95 #KF94 #3M #Auras /..../
#FFP2 #n95 #KN95 #kf94 #3m #auras #maskup
... ... ... 😱
Je ne pensais pas que les #KF94 (les "poissons") et les #KN95 (les "canards") avaient un test de fitting aussi bas 😭 Heureusement que l'équivalent #PureMask qu'on m'a offert (🖤 sur toi) est plus proche d'une moyenne "correcte" !
#MaskUp #AutodefenseSanitaire
RT @FitTestMyPlanet
Current leaderboard. New shortlist V23 revision coming soon.
#kf94 #KN95 #puremask #maskup #autodefensesanitaire
At the pharmacy this morning, wearing my #EnvoMask and sealed 3M goggles, I ask the technician who hands me my meds if she knows about the limitations of her cloth mask. The pharmacist isn't wearing a mask at all and so I figured she's trying to protect herself--sensibly so.
"I just wear what I've got," she replies.
"Well, the #KN95 is widely available," I say. Not the best choice, but way better.
"Yeah, I just wear what I've got."
Some people just cannot be helped. #Covid likes this.
#Greve31Janvier vs #ReformeDesRetraites
Rappel que même si ça n'est pas à 100%, contre les aérosols #lacrymo & #virus, contre la #ReconnaissanceFaciale, contre le froid: les masques #ffp2 #n95 #kn95 #kf94 sont vos meilleurs alliés
RT @actu_nantes
#Nantes #manifestation31janvier #ReformesDesRetraites Des manifestants ont mis des poubelles au niveau de la rue Louis blanc en direction du pont et les CRS ont t…
#greve31janvier #reformedesretraites #lacrymo #virus #reconnaissancefaciale #FFP2 #n95 #KN95 #kf94 #autodefensesanitaire #nantes #manifestation31janvier #reformesdesretraites
Meilleure tenue #greve19janvier <3
RT @ValKphotos
Contre les aérosols #lacrymo & #covid & #grippe & #vrs, contre les #cameras, et même contre le froid, n'oubliez pas, les masques #ffp2 #n95 #kn95 #kf94 sont les bf du bb 💘
#AutodefenseSanitaire ❤️🔥 https://twitter.com/shygal_j/status/1613467637245247489
#greve19janvier #lacrymo #covid #grippe #VRS #cameras #FFP2 #n95 #KN95 #kf94 #autodefensesanitaire
Hi again. Thanks for the feedback and for engaging, much appreciated.
We think overhead elastic is critical to getting good fitted-filtration (ie, net filtration of a mask on a face). We summarize this here ⬇️
In North America, #N95s must have overhead elastic simplifying our advice in favour of these over #KN95 or #KF94
There are data on beards, too!
For a 10mm beard, an N95 is still more effective than all other masks.
If the stifling feeling is specifically associated with headstraps for you, they could be too tight. Aura 3M has simple band elastic straps that lengthen with a good hard tug. This is a pro in this situation for you.
For straps that don't lengthen so easily, consider an #N95 with braided elastic such as Vitacore's #Can99.
Vitacore's Can99 also has superb breathability so if the problem isn't the attachments, this might help.
Apologies for a N American reply to a European question.
Anyone curating info on #FFP2 or #FFP3 and suppliers please let me know: we would love to put this on our website.
#COVID #BetterMasks #MaskUp #MaskMandates #Masks
#WearAMask #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsntOver #BetterMasks #MaskUp #DoAllTheThings #ventilation #filtration #PaidSickDays #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #MasksSaveLives #MaskeAuf #MaskUp #MaskMandate #MaskMandateNow #CovidLong #LongCovid #Beards
#WearTheBestMaskAvailable #BetterMasks #MaskUp #MasksSaveLives #MaskeAuf #maskmandate #LongCovid #ffp3 #COVID #MaskMandates #masks #WearAMask #DoAllTheThings #BringBackMasks #maskmandatenow #CovidLong #N95s #KN95 #KF94 #n95 #FFP2 #Can99 #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsntOver #ventilation #filtration #paidsickdays #beards
@rchusid Now we just need @WHO to mention #N95, #N99, #P100, #FFP2, #FFP3, #P3, #KF94, and/or #KN95 #elastomeric #respirators -- the ones which *work* -- rather than just vaguely saying "masks".
Cloth & surgical junk masks are 30% effective -- better than nothing.
#N95 and reusable #P100 #elastomeric #respirators are >95% effective -- MUCH better. And they're cheap enough.
#n95 #n99 #P100 #FFP2 #ffp3 #p3 #KF94 #KN95 #elastomeric #respirators
Step one is to get a quality #respirator #mask -- #N95, #N99. #P100, #KN95, #KF94, #FFP2, #FFP3, #P3 -- I prefer #elastomeric P100.
Step two is to wear it ( #WearAMask ) when around other people, because anyone could be infected.
Step three is to put a #HEPA filter or #CorsiRosenthalBox in your home (and business if you have one).
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #Influenza #Flu #FluIsAirborne #RSV #RSVIsAirborne
(Just adding some #hashtags so more people will see your post)
#respirator #mask #n95 #n99 #P100 #KN95 #KF94 #FFP2 #ffp3 #p3 #elastomeric #WearAMask #HEPA #corsirosenthalbox #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #influenza #flu #FluIsAirborne #rsv #rsvisairborne #hashtags
Contre les aérosols #lacrymo & #covid & #grippe & #vrs, contre les #cameras, et même contre le froid, n'oubliez pas, les masques #ffp2 #n95 #kn95 #kf94 sont les bf du bb 💘
#AutodefenseSanitaire ❤️🔥
RT @shygal_j
Le seul "uniforme" qu'on va porter c'est celui-là
#GreveGenerale #FousTaCagoule
#lacrymo #covid #grippe #VRS #cameras #FFP2 #n95 #KN95 #kf94 #autodefensesanitaire #grevegenerale #foustacagoule
UPDATE: #RÜCKRUF | #WARNUNG | #CORONA / #SARS-CoV-2 / Von NUTZLOS bis GEFÄHRLICH: #BAuA hat in Datenbank "Gefährliche Produkte in Deutschland" aktuell 268 beanstandete #Schutzmasken-Modelle (insb. nicht zertifizierte #FFP2- / #KN95-Masken) erfasst https://bit.ly/3F7M7L1 (BAuA)
#ruckruf #warnung #corona #sars #BAuA #Schutzmasken #FFP2 #KN95
#N95, similar, or better.
#KF94, #KN95, and #FFP2 are similar.
#N99 and #FFP3 are better.
#P3 and #P100 are even better, and are always resuable (cheaper in the long run)
But what matters most is a tight fit. #Elastomeric #respirators (rubber or silicone edge) usually fit better. Straps behind the head always -- earloops almost never fit well.
I wear the 3M 6300 with #P100 filters -- it's a reusable #elastomeric.
#n95 #KF94 #KN95 #FFP2 #n99 #ffp3 #p3 #P100 #elastomeric #respirators
@actagainstcovid Not disagreeing. But we need real community-led responses, not astroturfed stuff. I won't boost an article unless it mentions either #respirator #masks (#N95, #KN95, #KF94, #FFP2, #FFP3, #N99, #P100), #HEPA filters, or the #CorsiRosenthalBox.
#respirator #masks #n95 #KN95 #KF94 #FFP2 #ffp3 #n99 #P100 #HEPA #corsirosenthalbox
I'm not a "Mask Holdout!" Geez-Louise! I'm a Thoughtful Human being.
The inconvenience of wearing a #KN95 is minimal for not having to deal with #COVID19 symptoms, which while not often deadly anymore, or can be far worse than flu or cold symptoms.
Best part: I haven't had the flu or a cold since 2019. I will always wear a mask in cold season, just like the east Asians have been doing for decades: courtesy and self-protection.
If you have a problem with masks, don't force your issues upon me!
(This is a repost of a reply.)
#Flu #commonCold #COVID #PublicHealth #Mask #Maskholes #maskshaming #courtesy #masksharm
#KN95 #COVID19 #flu #CommonCold #covid #publichealth #mask #Maskholes #maskshaming #courtesy #masksharm
Layers of mitigation. #KN95 , personal #hepa purifier, and hanging close to the door (cracking it open as much as the temperature outside would comfortably permit for the older folks in the room). Spread joy, not germs. #spreadjoynotcovid #covid19 #covidisnotover #maskup
#KN95 #HEPA #spreadjoynotcovid #covid19 #CovidIsNotOver #maskup
#KN95 with more and more people glaring at me. If anyone feels as if I am being judgmental, please be assured that I AM judging you for your decision to not wear a mask around my elderly parents. Just as you judge me for believing in #science.
#CovidIsNotOver #itsnothard #wearafuckingmask #WearAMask #science #KN95
#Arbeitschutzverordung #sarscov2 prevention ab 01.10.2022 gültig deutschlandweit
22.12.2022 erweitert #FPP2 Hygiene in #medizinischen Einrichtungen
Immernoch wischi waschi 1,5 m & nur eine Empfehlung, aber immerhin steht das jetzt mal drin!
This are 2 #german links you can translate with google/ #kn95 recommendation for all #hcw! Actualisation just published on rki website!
Its not #standard & many dont know, yet
Share share ..
#Arbeitschutzverordung #SarsCoV2 #FPP2 #medizinischen #rki #german #KN95 #hcw #standard
Oh, I'm supposed to pin an intro post.
I'm here for the #Covid safety.
My partner was infected with #Covid19 by doctor's offices which weren't practicing proper airborne infection control. Twice.
#CovidIsAirborne by #aerosol .
Stop #Nosocomial #Infection .
#WearAMask #P100 #elastomeric #P3 #N99 #FFP3 #N95 #KN95 #FFP2 #KF94
#covid #covid19 #COVIDisAirborne #aerosol #CovidIsNotOver #nosocomial #infection #WearAMask #P100 #elastomeric #p3 #n99 #ffp3 #n95 #KN95 #FFP2 #KF94 #CleanTheAir #HEPA #merv13 #corsirosenthalbox