@Galehawk Hi this might be of interest, curious to know if or have watched etc these folks: These are good taste testers ANTHONY PEAKE "Internal Light" (#KR-CENTRAL FILMS) https://t.co/V3oPnSGNb8.
Dr Penny Sartori https://t.co/QmsI9p3MPq
Stuart Hameroff https://t.co/s5mb1I2Nd2
Myron Dyal film 13 minutes https://t.co/ErAAPV00hr Password charon
Curious to know if or have watched etc these folks: These are good taste testers #AnthonyPeake "Internal Light" (#KR-CENTRAL FILMS) https://t.co/V3oPnSGNb8.
#DrPennySartori https://t.co/QmsI9p3MPq
#StuartHameroff https://t.co/s5mb1I2Nd2
#MyronDyal film 13 minutes https://t.co/ErAAPV00hr
password: charon
Details https://t.co/LElo0Bcxg5
#consciousness #NDE #NearDeathExperience #Neuroscience #Life #lifeAfterDeath #Neurology #Artist #Researchers #authors
#ANTHONYPEAKE #KR #DrPennySartori #StuartHameroff #MyronDyal #consciousness #nde #neardeathexperience #neuroscience #Life #lifeafterdeath #neurology #artist #researchers #authors
@perpetualmystic Hi same for myself, in this world you never know who you might meet along with where that will go.
Looking forward to this adventure.
Curious to know if you are familiar with these researchers? #ANTHONYPEAKE "Internal Light" (#KR-CENTRAL FILMS) https://t.co/V3oPnSGNb8.
#DrPennySartori https://t.co/QmsI9p3MPq #NDE
#StuartHameroff https://t.co/s5mb1I2Nd2
#MyronDyal film 13 min #Mystic #Artist #epilepsy #TLE
pwd: charon
#ANTHONYPEAKE #KR #DrPennySartori #nde #StuartHameroff #MyronDyal #Mystic #artist #epilepsy #TLE #consciousness
Since most of my contacts on #mastodon are different from the ones I had on other socials (by the way: nice to meet you all!), here are some #highlights about my research that could be of interest:
H1: in the context of #KR & #Reasoning I have worked on cognitively-inspired models of #categorization integrating prototypes, exemplars and theory-theory views by using "Heterotegeneous Proxytypes Hypothesis". Such framework has led to the development of the DUAL-PECCS system https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0952813X.2016.1198934?journalCode=teta20
#categorization #reasoning #KR #Highlights #mastodon