Correct, we were less able/active back then but we do remember pivotal events.
The #KRuddCoup spelled the end for #Australia's chances. The corporateState #engineeredConsent to remove an actual leader by using #smear and #innuendo, they weaponised our media at many levels.
At that time just like today, people consigned themselves to, "if its a media consensus that he's bad, better not defend him" sort of attitude. Same today with Russia/China hate narratives.
#KRuddCoup #australia #engineeredConsent #smear #innuendo
How #Australia's #NationalBroadbandNetwork became the #CorporateWirelessNetwork in three easy steps.
1) Stage a #coup against the duly elected PM, #KevinRudd (the last true leader of this nation we might add)
2) Install a #corporatist.
3) Change the #NBN so it serves #vestedInterests.
#rupertMurdoch #KRuddCoup #fakeNews #forcedNews #propaganda #memeWarfare
#australia #NationalBroadbandNetwork #CorporateWirelessNetwork #coup #KevinRudd #corporatist #nbn #vestedInterests #rupertmurdoch #KRuddCoup #fakenews #forcedNews #propaganda #memewarfare
Tell us again…
…the #anecdote about your #philanthropy boosting #mentalHealth.
#bandaid #fauxPhilanthrophy #interventionistPolicy #robotPope #rupertMurdoch #debtPonzi #holesAndHouses #skyHighImmigration #kevinRudd #KRudd #KRuddCoup #antiDemocratic #noDemocracy #notOurDemocracy #freeJulianAssange #julianAssange #defundAllTheJeffreyEpsteins #useBitcoin #jailTheWarCriminals #AfghanPapers #UBINow
#anecdote #philanthropy #mentalhealth #DontBlameItOnTheBailOuts #DontBlameItOnTheMedia #DontBlameItOnThePonzi #BlameItOnTheIndividual #bandaid #fauxPhilanthrophy #interventionistPolicy #robotPope #rupertmurdoch #debtPonzi #holesAndHouses #skyHighImmigration #KevinRudd #KRudd #KRuddCoup #AntiDemocratic #noDemocracy #notourdemocracy #FreeJulianAssange #julianassange #defundAllTheJeffreyEpsteins #usebitcoin #JailTheWarCriminals #AfghanPapers #UBINow