#NowPlaying Krøterveg Te Helvete
Now my Norwegian is a bit rusty, but does that mean "Toads way to hell?"
#rocknroll #blacknroll #endling #KVELERTAK #tomsnowplaying #nowplaying
I realised never participated in #JukeboxFridayNight.
By chance I just recommended #Kvelertak's #Heksebrann to @Kitty and mentioned one part in particular, which would acutally qualify for this week's prompt: #thispartinparticular
BUT: I'm gonna pick something from my favourite Mesopotamian Black/Tech/Death band #Meleches.
The opener of the album #Enki,
Tempest Temper Enlil Enraged, is composed of many parts, but the guitar that kicks in at 1:57 is 🔥 🔥 🔥
#enki #meleches #thispartinparticular #heksebrann #KVELERTAK #JukeboxFridayNight
And here it is, my favourite track on #Nattesferd, the nine minute long Heksebrann.
Now, if Id' have to translate "Heksebrann" to German without any tools, I'd say it means "Hexenbrand" or "Hexe brennt".
Guess what it means?
#Nowplaying #Kvelertak - Heksebrann
#KVELERTAK #nowplaying #nattesferd
Why, why is it always the title track that's one of my favourites?
#Nowplaying #Kvelertak - Nattesfert
Fun fact: until yesterday, I thought the album is called Nattersfeld, wich sounds like the name of a small village somewhere in Vorarlberg.
Triggered by the new single, I'll be digging myself a #Kvelertak hole today and make myself comfortable in it.
Contrary to the generally prevailing opinion, #Nattesferd is my favourite album of the owl-wearing Norwegians.
#Nowplaying Kvelertak - Dendrofil for Yggdrasil
#nowplaying #nattesferd #KVELERTAK
Wie ist denn der neue von #Kvelertak ? Sitze gerade beim Artz ohne Ton, sieht aber schon mal geil aus!
Day 46 #30MoreSongsChallenge
THE TOWER OF BABEL A song in a language I don't understand
That's easy, german, english and a little bit of french are no problem for me. But there is a lot great scandinavic bands for me that sing only, often or sometimes in their mother language I don't understand. But guys from the rest of the world too who do that. Like:
#Solstafir #Emperor #DimmuBorgir #Shining 🖤 #Lifelover #Satyricon and so on...
And now have fun with:
#KVELERTAK #satyricon #lifelover #shining #dimmuborgir #emperor #solstafir #30moresongschallenge
Nice party song for the night.
#Kvelertak - Blodtørst