Tomorrow is August 15.
August 15 2021; the day that separates the lives of Afghans in a before and an after.
The day the international troops left #Afghanistan, the day #Taliban took #Kabul and the government. The day they started building their #GenderApartheid Regime.
#Afghanistan #Taliban #Kabul #GenderApartheid
Review of AFGHANISTAN after our launch @DocsIreland
#Evacuation #Kabul
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James Glancy:
Drug use is a public health issue affecting communities & individuals. Warm thanks to the staff and partners of the #drugrehabilitation centre in #Kabul for welcoming @EUDepAmbAFG. #EU support to those affected by the drug crisis will continue 🤝 @UNODC_COAFG @WHOAfghanistan
RT @UNODC_COAFG: @UNODC_COAFG🤝@WHOAfghanistan with the support from @EUinAfghanistan assist drug dependent women & children in Afghanistan.
healthy mother➡️ healthy child ➡️healthy society
#drugrehabilitation #Kabul #EU #d
While UN hold meeting in Doha, I was in #Kabul - meeting women in NGOs, business and media that decided to stay in #Afghanistan and use every bit of leeway to support the Afghan people.
Will try to provide more infos in coming days. So far: 🙏 @EUinAfghanistan for hosting me.
RT @RaffaellaIodic2: Good evening #Kabul jan, I missed you a lot ❤️ #Afghanistan
Harte körperliche #Arbeit, viel Schmutz und wenig Lohn: Die #Minenarbeiter in #Afghanistan, darunter etliche #Kinder, arbeiten unter schwersten Bedingungen. Der in #Kabul lebende Fotograf Jim Huylebroek will in seinen Bildern ihre Geschichte erzählen.
#Arbeit #minenarbeiter #afghanistan #kinder #Kabul
RT @EUDepAmbAFG: Appalled and truly saddened about today's explosion in #Kabul. The blast took innocent lives and critically injured more.💔
Inhuman acts of violence need to stop. My thoughts are with those who lost a loved one, and my best wishes for quick recovery to those injured.
Today, an explosion in #Kabul critically wounded and led to the deplorable death of several innocent people.
Our thoughts are with everyone hurt and those who have lost a beloved person. 🙏
We condemn all acts of violence. Safety needs to be ensured for all Afghans.
In #Kabul, there was an explosion outside the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of #Afghanistan.
Two people died and 12 others were wounded.
Original tweet :
RT @RaffaellaIodic2: First birthday in #Kabul Jan and first without anyone from my family. But surrounded by love from my Afghan friends and colleagues. Thank you so much ❤️🙏🏾
#FreeMortaza: Sign the petition calling on the Taliban government to free a Franco-Afghan #reporter jailed in Kabul
#FreeMortaza : signez la pétition pour appeler le régime #taliban à libérer le reporter franco-afghan emprisonné à #Kaboul
#FreeMortaza: firma la petición para pedir al régimen talibán la liberación del #reportero franco-afgano, encarcelado en #Kabul
#freemortaza #reporter #taliban #kaboul #reportero #Kabul
RT @CivilGe
Inal #Ardzinba, occupied #Abkhazia's top diplomat, met the representatives of #Afghanistan Embassy in #Moscow. "#US have played a damning role in your country, destroyed it, and shamefully ran away," Ardzinba said, pledging to send a delegation to #Kabul to build relations.
#ardzinba #Abkhazia #afghanistan #moscow #us #Kabul
RT @EUDepAmbAFG: #kabul life: exchanging with colleagues about the situation in the country and in ways to support the #Afghan population in need. Thank you Türkiye Ambassador @cerginay and @JapaninAFG Ambassador Osaka!
UK Gvt tried to cover up multiple disasters around Afghanistan withdrawal and fall of Kabul. Sacked foreign office whistle-blower who revealed some of the failures.
#uk #ukpolitics #whistleblower #afghanistan #Kabul
Mädchen singen auf den Straßen von #Kabul das Lied Man Zanam „Ich bin eine Frau!“.
Diese Mädchen haben in den letzten Tagen auf unterschiedliche Weise gegen die Taliban protestiert.
Auf ihre Proteste auf den Straßen Afghanistans haben die Taliban wiederholt mit Gewalt reagiert.
RT @DuezenTekkal
#MursalNabisada war eine laute Stimme gegen die #Taliban in #Afghanistan. In TV-Interviews kritisierte sie die Einschränkung der Rechte von Frauen vehement. Nun ist die 32-jährige ehemalige afghanische Parlamentsabgeordnete in ihrem Wohnsitz in #Kabul ermordet worden.
#mursalnabisada #Taliban #afghanistan #Kabul
🖤 Mursal Nabizada, woman parliamentarian in #Afghanistan, was brutally killed alongside her bodyguard in her home, in #Kabul.
I am sad and angry and want the world to know! She was killed in darkness, but the #Taleban build their system of Gender Apartheid in full daylight.
In #Kabul ist die ehemalige Parlamentsabgeordnete #MursalNabizada & ihr Leibwächter in ihrem Haus erschossen worden. Das ist unendlich traurig!
Diese frauenfeindlichen Strukturen und Köpfe begehen tagtäglich Femizid. Die Weltgemeinschaft verliert ihre wichtigsten 1/2
🖤 Mursal Nabizada, woman parliamentarian in #Afghanistan, was brutally killed alongside her bodyguard in her home, in #Kabul.
I am sad and angry and want the world to know! She was killed in darkness, but the #Taleban build their system of Gender Apartheid in full daylight.
🖤 Mursal Nabizada, woman parliamentarian in #Afghanistan, was brutally killed alongside her bodyguard in her home, in #Kabul.
I am sad and angry and want the world to know! She was killed in darkness, but the #Taleban build their system of Gender Apartheid in full daylight.