🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #Roadhouse
Kacy & Clayton:
🎵 Springtime of the Year
#nowplaying #Roadhouse #Kacy #clayton
🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Kacy & Clayton & Marlon Williams:
🎵 Devil's daughter
#Kacy #Clayton #MarlonWilliams
https://kacyandclayton.bandcamp.com/track/devils-daughter🤔 Saviez vous❓
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#nowplaying #Kacy #clayton #MarlonWilliams
Hi, I'm an expatriate #kacy fan from Twitter. That's Kate & Lucy from NCIS:Hawaii on CBS TV.
RT @csilb@twitter.com
Wait is FINALLY over for the brand new #NCISHawaii written by the superb @JanNash100@twitter.com and @mikediazfilm@twitter.com with a rogue bounty hunter, a precocious kid, a devious plot and our fav couple #kacy https://twitter.com/jannash100/status/1590389756156055552