System 1 is hard-wired, System 2 is soft-wired
#Kahneman #observations #humanbehavior
#Kahneman #observations #humanbehavior
In a happiness survey of French and American women, it was determined that:
1. American women spend more time with their children, but the time is diluted and less enjoyable. French women spend less time with their children, but are immersed in the experience.
2. French women get more enjoyment from meals because they tend to focus on the experience, while American women tend to multitask. during meals. #Kahneman #Attentiveness #Focus #Flow
#Kahneman #attentiveness #Focus #flow
@dittrich_lars Wo ich den #Kahneman eben erwähnt habe… 🤔
Es sieht zumindest so aus, als hätte #ChatGPT die Leistungsfähigkeit von „System 1“.
Gibt’s hier jemanden, der das bestätigen oder widerlegen kann?
Reading Daniel Kahneman’s ‘Noise’.
Lots of emphasis put on the examples of differences in judges sentencing explained by things like weather, local football team result, proximity to lunch time etc
Was this all debunked or does it stand up to scrutiny?
#noise #Kahneman #causalinference #bias #bayes #bayesian #judgement
#noise #Kahneman #causalinference #bias #bayes #bayesian #judgement
If you'd like to learn about famous #economists, we've got #podcasts on all of these:
With more to come... #econtwitter
#economists #podcasts #smith #marx #ricardo #keynes #hayek #friedman #pigou #ostrom #robinson #malthus #khaldun #Kahneman #fawcett #schumacher #schumpeter #sen #desolo #yunus #duflo #phillips #gini #nashjr #lewis #buchanan #kuznets #marshall #veblen #econtwitter
#Kahneman #FastAndSlow #ReplicationCrisis
With over 100k views, this is by far my most popular blog post. I think I have to thank Danny Kahneman for this because he wrote a comment.
#Kahneman #fastandslow #replicationcrisis