Ghostly Tales of Japan in English, French, and Japanese. 30 original stories of Japanese ghosts and yokai from the ancient past to today. Available from all Amazon and major online booksellers.
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It's really weird to see your own face as the cover of your book of fiction, but that's what's on the Japanese translation of my book of Japanese ghost stories, Ghostly Tales of Japan, in Kindle and paperback.
Ghostly Tales of Japanの日本語版が、ペーパーバック、またはKindleでも購入できるようになりました。
#怪談 #幽霊 #妖怪 #アンディブルックス #英国人が書いた日本の怪談 #Kaidan #Yūrei #Yōkai #AndiBrooks
#怪談 #幽霊 #妖怪 #アンディブルックス #英国人が書いた日本の怪談 #Kaidan #Yūrei #Yōkai #AndiBrooks
"Ghostly Tales of Japan" is my first collection of supernatural short stories. Set throughout Japanese history, explores a world of ghosts and yokai that is closer than you think. The stories are by turns moving, comedic and horrifying. It is available in paperback, hardback & Kindle on all Amazon platforms and as an eBook from other major sellers at
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#AndiBrooks #japaneseGhosts #yurei #yokai #shortstories #HorrorFiction #JapaneseHorror #Kaidan